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Gresu__ last won the day on September 10 2023

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  1. Free G for upcoming tournaments. Starter position Pro/Elite. Hmu here or psn: Gresu__
  2. Free G for upcoming tournaments. Hmu here or psn: Gresu__
  3. Free G Highly motivated and competetive G for up coming tournaments. Starting or 50/50 is what I'm looking for. Open for Pro or Elite. Message me here or PSN: Gresu__
  4. Free G for upcoming tournaments. Pro I'm known from HanaaHC until something happened to the club.. Contact me here or PSN: Gresu__
  5. UP! I'm on couple of tryout now but can still book for couple more. On a mission to find the perfect fit.
  6. Free G for upcoming tournaments. Try me. PSN: Gresu__ Discord: JayzTwoCentimeters#0113
  7. Alright.. Kiekko-Espoo/HanaaHc went down which broke my heart... We had fun two years but now it's time to open some new doors! Free C/Rw I've been playing goalie for a while and now I think it's time to go back to the roots.. So I'm looking for a highly motivated Lite/Pro team for a long-term relationship. My background as a forward and a goalie has thought me a lot these past few years so I'm ready to take some responsibility on ice. My goals are to shape up as forward and help my team to get better with my skills and knowledge on ice. I'm an experienced player ready to aim high to the sky! If I sound good, contact me here or PSN: Gresu__ Cheers!
  8. I'll get PS5 for the exclusives (TLOU Part 2 soon😍). Aaand for the contoller.. I know that people say that XB controller feels better but DS for me cuz I prefer symmetrical sticks over XB's asymmetrical which just feels too weird for me. May be just my small hands dunno Which one of these controllers you prefer and why?
  9. Hi, I'm having this annoying bug at almost in every game I play as a goalie.. have anyone else suffered from this? https://youtu.be/j9xq5pUQaC4 Gosh darn annoying when your goalie bounces back like that🤯
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