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  1. Free forward or G, backup also fine. Experience from Neo. Want to play and develop. Contact here, psn: Mustonen35 or Discord: MussukkaCast
  2. ARCTIC BLAZE- LITE IN: - Mustonen35 (FA) - Lapp1s_ (FA) - Leevijopo01 (FA) - Lakupiiippu69 (FA) - Karjalainensamul (FA) - smokekoski1 (FA) - samichristian94 from Jortikan Tossut - Bluerainbow88 from Blackdawgs OUT: - Cooldii8
  3. 🔥Arctic Blaze🔥 The finnish newcomer in this scene is coming to surprise everybody We are looking for a starting goalie! We can offer you lot of games in normal matchmaking and ECL. We will play in ECL Lite Contact me here or PSN: Mustonen35
  4. Hey, I have founded new gaming organisation which is based for NHL ECL team. I am thankful if u could visit our website Arctic Blaze and our social media sources: Instagram: @arcticblazeesports and Twitter: ArcticBlaze_NHL Best regards, Founder of the Arctic Blaze, "Mustonen35"
  5. Arctic Blaze is searching a long-term defender! Our goal is high but first we are improving our game itself. Firstly our goal is in ECL but further goal is to play in the big boys rink. If you want to improve your game and you have as hard shot as Zdeno Chara, the Arctic Blaze is the right team for you. We play in monday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday and sunday. We are looking a puck mover defender who has good vision. If u are interested pls contact me. We are having tryouts at the moment so we are open-minded to get as many as we can to tryouts!
  6. Arctic Blaze is searching a long-term goalie! Our goal is high but first we are improving our game itself. Firstly our goal is in ECL but further goal is to play in the big boys rink. If you want to improve your game and have as many teeth as Juho Lammikko has, the Arctic Blaze is the right team for you. We play in monday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday and sunday. If u are interested pls contact me. We are having tryouts at the moment so we are open-minded to get as many as we can to tryouts!
  7. HC Rännikiekko etsii pelaajia joukkueeseensa! Joukkueella tavoitteet ovat korkealla, mutta niihin on asetettu järkevä aikamääre. Ensiksi tavoite on ECL:ssä ja joukkueen pelin kehityksessä, mutta myöhemmin tavoite on pelata "taalajäillä". Jos haluat kehittää peliäsi ja omistat Ari Vallinin tasoiset pukukoppijutut, on HC Rännikiekko oikea joukkue sinulle. Pelaillaan Patrik Laineen fortnite tunti määrillä, mutta rennosti. Toisaalta reenejä seuraavana päivänä saatat joutua kävelemään lähimpään elektroniikkaliikkeeseen ostamaan uuden ohjaimen. Kuitenkin tavoite on voittaa, joten kyseessä ei ole Juhamatti Aaltosmaista "pellailua". Tarvitsemme pelaajia seuraaville pelipaikoille: -Puolustajaa ja varapuolustajaa -Maalivahtia -Jokapaikan höylää Mikäli kiinnostaa, laitahan viestiä joko täällä tai PSN: Mustonen35, otamme mielellämme pelaajia tryouteille. https://www.ea.com/fi-fi/games/nhl/nhl-20/pro-clubs/overview?clubId=78929&platform=ps4
  8. Hi! Is your team looking for a new player? I am Teo and I'm 17yrs old guy from Kuopio, Finland. I have played NHL video game series since 2006 and last three years have been hardcore gaming for me. I am looking for a pro career in NHL video game and I am trying to find my new team. I can play every forward position. My achievements in NHL are: NHLGWC qualification best of 16th round NHL20 online versus place 13th at my best. I would like to come to tryouts! Just info me. PSN: Mustonen35
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