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Everything posted by Saviinainen

  1. Up! ๐Ÿ˜Ž RW could be option too
  2. Free D for upcoming ECL Elite/Pro Starter Contact me here or discord
  3. So you mean like lets give all the boosts to forwards and defenders and goalies get nothing? Personally i dont get your point with that when you are saying "everyone can get something" with that kind of solution. Lets just make scoring boosted and lets make it fun for forwards. Maybe we should ban all offensive abilities and use only silver defensive abilities? Then we all can get much more realistic game results and games would be tights. I really hope like lets play ecl spring like we played ecl winter so lets ban only tipper which is totally "broken"
  4. This game version has been built around those x-factors/traits and thats why playing without those is so silly and boring to play and as a viewer even more boring to watch and it makes like shots, hits etc so useless. Lets imagine like people are playing Counter Strike but then you should just use weapons without any scopes, magazines etc. Its just not working that way. Those weapon attachments belongs to that game like x-factors/traits belongs to this NHL version. Hopefully someones got my point.
  5. This new gameplay without abilities is so boring and it makes game so slow atm. Now nearly everyone is just shooting puck from blueline and make force passes like in older versions. Now when there is no fear about onetimers without traits, defending is mainly looking like this...
  6. Totally agree, lets keep big tipper banned and others like allowed. Tipper is only factor what is really breaking gameplay. Last ECL was good and fun so there shouldn't be any need for changes
  7. To me that would be fine to allow all x-factors, lets play the game just how its published and trucu is not leading unrealistic goals like golden CQ, golden 1T, big tipper etc. There wasnt any public problems about this season bans during the season so its kinda funny like now there is people crying about same things than earlier. Lets just keep the same rules like ongoing ECL
  8. There doesnt need to be any recovery time to get up when you are able to counter that hit with well timed counter hit. If someone is not using it then its their own fault, not trucus or games fault
  9. Maybe everyone just dont dare to say their opinions in public because this scene is kinda toxic nowadays. And if you are not having some kind of status in this scene and you say something different like this scenes cream there is big risk to get kinda offensive behaviour back from this scene
  10. So you mean like lets make a poll and let people to vote x-factors/traits what they mainly just hate personally, like for a not real reason/issue. It makes no sense to me. And these are just my own opinions and feelings. I would like to hear from these guys who are against example truculence, what is the real issue with that? I dont wanna hear like it makes me lose lot of stamina and my guy is taking so long to get up after hit because with that counter hit you are able to avoid those both if you really want. And ongoing ECL season i didnt noticed any kind of game breaking things with trucu example. Goons used that like a lot but still they are not playing in finals atm. These guys who are speaking here against trucu are mainly playing in these top teams and if we are looking standings, it seems to me like trucu didnt affected their success this season at all, example parasite is once again in the finals even trucu was allowed
  11. It doesnt make any sense to build up any kind of vote pools atm when votes are mostly based for everyones own opinions, not facts. When im reading people answers here it makes me feel that way. I could say as a Dman like lets ban golden 1T because its giving like too many free goals to opponents because its just so broken but imo its my or my teammates own fault if we are letting those guys make those shots/goals. If opponent is able to score those goals, its like bad defence. Same with truculence. Yeah personally i love to be able to make big hits in this game, even when im forced to use speedster build because of meta. And like i wrote earlier, there is a way to counter that silver trucu hit with counter hit so imo its not like broken thing, its much more like maybe skill issue thing if you are not using that counter option which everyone can learn and use
  12. Like i wrote earlier in this topic, imo truculence is not that op in this version. You are able to counter that with counter hit (at least silver trucu) and i have seen many people doing that lately so imo its not games fault if you are not using that to avoid those hits. And game meta has been for a long time like fast skaters so i dont know any high level player who is using golden trucu/big build (counter hit isnt working against golden trucu). Big tipper was too broken to be used and that was good like Sportsgamer banned that. If we are looking/hunting like really broken x-factors/traits then we should speak like stick em up (you can just spam pokecheck without that much penalties), golden 1T, golden CQ (goalies are not awarded that much about good positioning, shots are just going in). So many of these are much broken than truculence imo so those should be banned first. But there is always different views between dmans, forwards and goalies and thats why i hope like lets keep big tipper banned and others are allowed like last ECL
  13. There is no need to ban more traits/x-factors than ongoing ecl25 winter season
  14. Penalties in overall in this game are pretty messed up. There is really much situations where players are able to hook opponent and there is not coming penalty or then you are getting penalty about thing you didnt even do. And yeah i know this is games (EA's) fault, not any trait or x-factor but that was just example. Like i earlier wrote when we were talking about tipper etc there is always things which can be compared to each other and people can argue with those about goalie, defender and forward point of view. Best option imo is that like ban everything or ban nothing because everything has some kind of broken mechanics. But now when sportsgamer decided to ban tipper, i am really fine with that, because it caused to break gameplay
  15. Imo there is no need to ban truculence. Like alex said its possible to counter it with reverse hits. So why people are not doing it? Is it just easier to cry when you are losing stamina? At the beginning of NHL25 when nearly no one was using trucu (because for some reason people were thinking that is going to be banned without testing it, even its whole new game than NHL24) there has already been those slow getting up animations in game. I mean if you had small amount of stamina left and you got hit, that took lot of time to get up, and that was even worse when pressure was activated. Game speed in overall has been much better than last years, its just not only that "straightline hana and force hockey" anymore. And trucu is not affecting that at all (making it slower like i gave example earlier about getting up animations etc) And what becomes trucu its nearly not doing anything when you do bumps, with silver at least, most of the time my player is still like slipped away from opponent when trying to bump and opponent just keeping skating with the puck (im using kinda little build atm so i dont know what would be situation if i would use like bigger build with trucu) Trucu has been truly nerfed compared to last year so please not ban it, even stick em up is much more OP than trucu. And yeah although im not playing in elite im still playing this game a lot and i personally know the best how i have felt about these things ๐Ÿ˜Š
  16. As a Dman imo onetimers are easy to defend. Just keep your guy and intercept that incoming pass ๐Ÿคท if you give that space and allow those onetimers and they go in, its mostly your/your team fault because you defended badly. Like as a goalie you can say like close quarter is too OP, but first you need to think what went wrong before that goal. How that opponent was free/able to shoot, why no one wasnt keeping him out, why no one didnt blocked that shot etc. And that was just example. I mean there is nearly everytime some kind of reason. But with big tipper i have personally saw it too like there is no matter how many guys there is defending that tipper guy, somehow he is able to score most of the time. So imo tipper should be banned. Personally idea to play without any traits/x-factors could be fun too, then no one needs to cry about those. The most important thing is that like we should discuss everything with good atmosphere. For some reason it feels like this scene is nowadays so toxic. There is too much offensive acting and speaking on/off the ice even you havent ever like spoke or played with someone who is doing that kind of sh**. Where is that good old community where everyone was valued and where was fun to play, no matter how old are you, where you play etc. Lets make this community great again! Sincerely Savi from that bullshit and maybe most hated Tiki Talk (from some reason)
  17. I didnt remembered take a clip, but that just happened to me. Dont know was that just like some kind of bug but i thought to share it here ๐Ÿคท
  18. I was testing silver truculence in 6v6 and it looks like you are able to counter that hit with counter hit, my guy just falled down when i tried to hit with silver trucu
  19. Tiki Talk In: @Nisse142 aka I-Nisse-I Warm welcome! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ
  20. Tiki Talk Out: @NuariJamal to Mustaa Kultaa @xSnaipperi to Mustaa Kultaa @Velttola to? Thanks for everything and good luck to the future! In: @Saviinainen from Zenegeim @Pensasmies from BushWhackers @Kansan-edustaja from Punakala Warm welcome guys! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ
  21. Free D for upcoming tournaments. Pro-> Prefer Finnish teams. Contact me here or discord saviinainen ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ™
  22. Free both handed D for upcoming tournaments, top lite -> Looking for finnish team who is starting games mainly 20.00 FIN, only starter role. Contact me here or discord Saviinainen ๐Ÿค—
  23. Its same for everyone so just use those abilities. Those are included in game so no need to ban anything because everyone is able to use those. Hitting in this game has been ruined after few patches so there need to be some way to get good hits as a Dman. There is always people who wants to ban something, like should we ban Stick 'em Up, its so unrealistic like you can spam pokecheck and nearly never get a penalty, every shooting abilities like close quarter, make it snappy etc are too OP, there is lot of bullshit goals with them from a goalie view (many times goalies have been positioning well and still those go through).
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