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  1. Free agent 19 year old Latvian, looking for Elite/Pro team to stay.. Pos: LW/RW Pm if intrested
  2. Yh i dont see personaly a point of all of those players builds, if 90% community use PWF and than there is 10% others.. EA should really work on the builds to balanced them out on next NHL, probably that will not happen so we have only a hope, that the Indian guy will finally start to work on things what he suppost too, not making every year new game modes which no-one plays.
  3. congratz Aapo you were the far better team than everybody else so well deserved
  4. C'mon guys for everyone to complete theirs games, it has been given the same amount of days, dosent matters if you are elite,pro, or lite player.The rules are the same for everyone and if you cant finnish the games on time thats not LA fault but yours...
  5. Still they are arguing about something what is they own fault, so just deal with the consequences. How we can make better community if there is arguments all the time
  6. I might be instrested, depends how much you want for that beast
  7. Omg guy's just deal with it, decisions has been made so its pointless to argue or comment in here.
  8. i think is no point to keep talking on here, just waste of the time that's all. The games will have to be replayed anyway, so let the action speak not the words
  9. The captain rulle is wrong, if the person dosent want to play for the team he shouldn't be hold, what is the point of that... BS
  10. One timers haha
  11. PSN: elvijs99 Position: RW and Lw About me: 18 year old from Latvia. I started to play eashl from nhl 14, and i participate both nhl 16 ecl tournaments with silver sword griffins. Not interested in beign a captain
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