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Everything posted by Gustafsson7

  1. Free right defenceman, but i can also play left d if that is needed. previous teams: AIK (sjukstugan), Synergy, Laser HT etc. Im not sure how active i can be during the autumn, therefore im more than fine with a backup-role. hit me up here on nhlgamer or send me a psn message (Gustafsson7) if you are interested
  2. Just like ssg does?
  3. Free as a bird main position rd but can basically play any position. Previous teams: synergy, sjukstugan and laser ht
  4. Brunkalaine is in
  5. I wish you guys the best of Brunk for the upcoming season. May the bounces be with you!❤
  6. Excluded My teammates LW: plee, joukki, peku C: Seppo, Patzlaf, eki, RW: flyerkungen, leksa, foppatofflan, jageksi RD: vatalisti, snapu, haldeem LD: janzuh, Ulla, nylanderi G: pumaz, lastmandalorian, hansu
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