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Enthusiast (6/14)

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  1. Ice Scream (Pro) Etsitään 50/50 mokkea. Psn: stretsii
  2. ICE SCREAM (Lite) Looking for a G and an allrounder backup. msg me here or psn: stretsii
  3. Looking for a G to ECL Lite Psn stretsii
  4. Looking for a G and also LD/RD - G can be a BU or 50/50 - LD/RD would be best if both sides work since our current two dmen are pretty regularly missing games due work schedules. Looking to split ice time with 3 dmen in the future. BU works also Looking to participate next ECL Lite season Hit me up here or PSN stretsii 🤙
  5. Suomalaista jengiä hakuses. Tosissaan muttei totisesti. Kaikki hyökkiposit ja kätisyydet menee.
  6. Free C/RW/LW Looking for some ecl action. Ideally a roster spot in Lite or a backup role in Pro. Can play on most evenings and nights 18-24 gmt+2. Hit me up @ psn: terrowristi
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