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Everything posted by Pikkarii

  1. Sorry i dont speak london but.. Ootko oikeesti tota mieltä? Parhaat on parhaita ihan sama mikä on meta/sallittua, ymmärrän ajatuksesi taustalla mut ei se toimi noin. Peli on kaikille sama ja kaikki saa/voi pelata samalla tavalla.
  2. ”Bonus Stat: The Black Jacks are just 6-9 in home games this season (including OT games). This is important because The Black Jacks are known to play on the Central European server, so they haven't had much of an advantage in those games this season.” ???? ?????????????????? I did some calculations and this is important because The Black Jacks are known to play on the Central European server, so they had a big adventage in those games this season. TBJ @ HOME 12-3 TBJ - AWAY 4-11
  3. Tunnel Vision IN: @Wenger from ymca OUT: @Frilander to Free Agency
  4. Tunnel Vision (PRO) Need starting G ASAP season starts monday contact us: Here, Psn or Twitter
  5. Tunnel Vision IN: Jerskayy from Cry is Free OUT: Vattuyy -> JYP
  6. Give him a chance. He is gonna be an animal in lite🤷🏿‍♂️
  7. Free Winger looking for club (Pro). Can play both wings and can play every night. Contact: Psn :Pikkardz
  8. I cant wait review
  9. Fakiir is a good in 6s but rags the puck in hut champs🤔
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