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mikaasi last won the day on February 20 2020

mikaasi had the most liked content!

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  1. FILADELPHIA Academy Academy looking for RD for the next ECL season. Team has taken huge steps after last ECL season and got promoted to Pro division for next season. Team is hungrier more than ever. We offer a place where you can improve as a player and good team spirit. Welcome to tryout! Contact us here in NHLGamer: team captains @mikaasi @TEST0-RYTZE Or psn: rytze_ or mikaasi
  2. FILADELPHIA ACADEMY: In: samza96 --> from free agent
  3. Rakish(pro) is looking for 1 forward and 1 defender to next tournaments! Our activity have been bad lately so it's very important that you can play much so we can get our playing to shape faster. For defender: It would be good if you can play both positions If you interested contact me here or psn: mikaasi
  4. Rakish (pro) is looking 1 defender (prefer LD) and 1 forward who can play C and LW or RW. Last season was huge disappointment from us so we needed to change our roster little so we can raise top of pro and fighting for elite spot. If you think you can help us with that target, send me message here or psn: mikaasi or jimboslizer
  5. Rakish is searching active RD/LD and G! Our target in future are to get a elite spot and playing there so we need guys who can really play good level. Contacts: here or psn: mikaasi or jimboslizer
  6. Still finding these guys! 🤩
  7. Me and my old team-mate jimboslizer made a new team Rakish and now we are looking for well playing C and G Our team has allready players from elite and pro level so nothing but playing elite is our target in future. if you interest and need some more info contact me here or psn: mikaasi or jimboslizer
  8. Hello guys! My time with lovely guys at FILADELPHIA is now over and I'm searching new team for me. (Elite or pro) Positions: Lw, C and LD Contact to me here or PSN: mikaasi
  9. I don't know what to say what happened in Aapo but now i'm searching team.. (Elite or Pro) Positions: C, LD, LW (RW, G, RD if necessary) Contact here or psn: mikaasi
  10. Aapo is RIP now so i'm searching team again.. Positions: C, LD, LW (RW, G, RD if necessary) Contact here or psn: mikaasi Edit: I'll stay in Aapo! But thanks to all teams for interest!
  11. After a long time with Carlsberg HC and Nordic Blizzards, it's time to find new home for P.Lehterä Positions: LW, C, LD (RW, G if necessary) Contact here or psn: mikaasi Edit: Team found
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