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Tehh last won the day on November 16 2018

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    Teh Ahola
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  1. I recommend this guy. Visu gaming is stupid.
  2. Can we add one division above elite for Team seppo and team plee to even the elite division 🤷🏻‍♂️
  3. Adding another division at this point would probaly be good since the current amount of lite teams is probably a bit unappealing to newcomers. If the division number keeps increasing there has to be some kind of ELO system for teams/players to be able to correctly place newfound teams (teams have found ways to capture unused teams so far though).
  4. Sure the margins have narrowed in this version when it comes to the middle ranked teams. But still do you really think 20ms makes that much of a difference in the grand scheme of things?
  5. To win seppo
  6. Laid by penatski and eKing
  7. @jyrkkis HUT ass will win
  8. Come to my clan I can give leadership
  9. Congrats to Fila, it's a shame it had to be best of 3 with teams being so even. Huge thanks to NHLgamer! When first launching ECL 1 this event probaly seemed to be just a distant dream but here we are and I wonder where we'll be in another 3 years. This was pretty much the final big tournament for me before hanging the controller slash skates and it was nice to see people that I've played with and against, so thanks to everyone who took part whether it was as a player or spectator.
  10. After a month of planning Kenu came up with that pun.
  11. Jyrkkis is a god in hut champs, but even better in 6s 🤗
  12. I'm pretty sure everyone that has played atleast 2 ECL seasons can agree with you that it's even worth paying for. But we have to think long term here. Think having mandatory buy-ins at the top level, which gives you the most prestigious reward in 6vs6 atm, from beginner's perspective. If the ''dream'' of winning ECL elite is behind a paywall a newcomer may not even want to try the product that NHLgamer is even though they might also eventually find it worth paying for. The point being you probaly don't want to force too many costs when still growing the community. I'm not sure who suggested the current elite system but I find it as a perfect middle ground which should please everyone.
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