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Posts posted by Oicteppotulppu

  1. Free rd for next ECL (lite/maybe pro)

    After skipping ongoing tournament for multiple reasons, wanna play again. 
    I`m looking for relaxed, yet competitive team. Mostly interested in long-term relationship.

    I`m relatively easygoing adult dude and available 4-5 times/week. I really value good and relaxed atmosphere,  but f.ex Jonnejumping is a big no-go for me. 

    I can also consider new teams, projects as well, if the mindset is right. I have the ”lite—status” from previous tournament for that purpose. 

    pm me here or psn oicteppotulppu

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  2. Leftovers looking for players for Any position except for rd. 

    So…if you:

    1. Are preferably Finnish 

    2. Are without team or acting as a backup for having just name in the roster

    3. Have lite or above status in ECL, decent player

    4. Are easygoing dude, not Jonne or acting behind others back

    5. Have decent inet connection, and also can communicate during the games

    6. Are willing to play for fun but also to win, and still wanting to develop, 

    contact me. 

    Plan is to gather people to play couple of times a week instead of being a ”loan” most nights somewhere during the ECL season.
    IF we get full line-up and good athmosphere during the nights + the team is playing decently, nothing stops us to participate to next tournament. But that is not mandatory. 

    I can promise you only this:

    - I`m not acting behind your back. 

    I’m adult, relatively nice guy with good (sick) sense of humor, and I can talk straightly without being a douchebag.

    I know I’m not the worst player in the scene, but for sure, far from the best also (and never going to be in the top).


    So if you are interested, 

    contact me on Discord, psn or NHLgameroicteppotulppu.

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  3. Free rd for ECL and regular games. (Prefer pro/top lite)
    Not considering pure back-up spot.

    Finnish relative easygoing guy, pretty active on-line. 

    I can take feedback and I’m willing to learn from it. 
    I appreciate good atmosphere in party. 

    Last FCL in Hanaa HC as a backup. 

    if interested,
    pm here or psn oicteppotulppu

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  4. I don’t know any of your team personally. But definitely quality, top of the scene players. I’ve been watching much of Fly’s games against ”big ones”. (To be able to learn something about the game)

    And one of the rare teams which has really managed to challenge those teams. 

    I really hope you manage some day build even stronger FLY.

    Like ekungen said, Elite and scene overall needs teams like FLY!!

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  5. Free Rd for offseason and next ECL (prefer Pro-teams). 
    Easygoing adult. 
    Can play almost every night. 
    More defensive than offensive.

    Fiber connection.

    Willing to learn, hoping to find long term relationship. 
    Want to find Active team which plays as a team and has same goal. 

    Last teams Supernatural, Cowabunga


    For tryouts or marriage proposals..

    contact here or psn oicteppotulppu

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  6. To be short. 😁

    As a defender point of view


    - take random penalties away, and I don`t mean boarding etc. Mainly charging, elbowing

    - sticklift from behind away. Spamming of sticklift overall away

    - remove randomly succesful poke from behind

    - since when in real hockey you can backskate from your own area to off area without being destroyed? Ridiculous. Make f ex limit to that. Or make backskater with the puck even more slower. Or then make dekes more effective, without losing the puck as random half of the time.

    - picking up the puck close to goalie...too much of random goals as an animation

    - add eashl practise mode

    - passes are going randomly through the opponent, maybe because of the ”momentum”, but hey, c`moon

    - overall randomness, you pass 5m easy pass, your teammate does not receive that without any opponents effort, puck bouncing, irritating animations time to time...the list is long

    - dressing room errors should be over

    - fix menus to 20th century


    I like the fact skilfull players (not me) could use their skills. Backskating through the whole arena...now it seems to be the most used way as a personal skill to be able to build something in the game or going throughthe neutral zone. I realize this is not real hockey, but it could atleast partly look like it. 

    I could care less of hockeybags, clothing customization and all that shit. If EA is planning to charge money from custom items, be my guest. Otherwise it is useless. 

    • Like 3
  7. 2 tuntia sitten, gzell60 kirjoitti:

    Well, is that going to be the case? That's what I am most curious about:

    How will games between Swedes/Finns and e.g. Germans or Russians be matched? If these games take place on the new Stockholm (?) server exclusively, there will be serious disadvantages. Or is the matchmaking designed to find a common ground (e.g. FIN vs. GER taking place on the "old" UK server with ~ equal pings for both teams, or US West teams vs. US East teams taking place on the new US Central server)?

    Well, that (disadvantage) has been the case for Finnish teams for years until now. Or it still is, but I think it decreases a bit compared to Swedes. 

    Geographically speaking and knowing the routes..

    From Finland, the fiber optic routes to ”Central Europe” can go with two optional routes: 

    From northern part of Finland from Oulu via Sweden/Stockholm via Denmark or Germany to UK. 

    From southern part of Finland from Helsinki to Stocholm via Denmark or Germany to UK. 

    So we have been allways underdogs connection wise compared to f.ex players from Sweden or Germany. 

    Of course depending on where in Sweden/Germany respective players are located.

    But I could tell every time I have played against teams from those countries, especially when they are home team.


    But remain to be seen how it is impacting in the future.



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  8. 34 minuuttia sitten, MartindalexC kirjoitti:

    I live in North West England and have a ping of around 12-13ms to the EASHL servers located in Dublin, Ireland. Therefore, unless you have some voodoo going on, I don't see how it's possible for you to have had a max. ping of around 12ms. :D 


    I think EA has server located in Germany also. 

    Atleast their customer service gave me 2 IP-addresses to traceroute when I was fighting with laggy connection during most of the NHL18.

    Other one seems to be somewhere in middle Europe IAW traceroute ”jumps”..

  9. Sorry, I`m a noob litenykijä. So my opinion doesn`t mean a shit. 

    But got to admit, all respect to you guys. Many Elite-players are looking for new Elite teams if they are relegated to Pro. 

    Not you tho. You are trying to fight your way back to Highlights again. 

    Sincerely, Good luck to that. 

    Really hope you are getting there!!


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  10. 1. N/A

    2. N/A

    3. Sparrit 3vs3 ja 6vs6: pipolätkävarustussetti täyttä kuraa. Pelin nimi on NHL, ei pipolätkä. Sekottaa vaan jotkut joutavanpäiväset varustesekoilut ja pipot. Yhteys toimii hyvin, pelattavuus hyvä. Enemmän tuolla klubipuolella

    4. N/A

    5. Clubi 6vs6: .betan lapsuksia lukuunottamatta PARAS itse kokemistani. Pokea pitää säätää, mutta edelleen takaa tulevat poket vois olla kuten nytkin, jos liian kaukaa yrittää. Sivusta tuleva poke pitäisi sallia, nyt valtaosa menee jaloille, vaikka tähtäiskin kiekkoon. Mailapuolustus tämän takia hankalaa, en toki ole mikään Elitepakki. Mutta sain kiekkoa pois nhl18 ilman pokespammia. 

    Tykkään myös siitä, ettei nurkissa takaa kyykkimällä saa enää kiekkoa pois, vaikka pakkina pelaankin. 

    Mailannosto toimii kohtuu hyvin. Taklauksissa ärsyttää se, että jos kolaat toisen, hän jää toisinaan makaamaan kiekon päälle. Ei liene kauheen realistista.

    Pelaajan liike tosi hyvää ja ketterää, toivottavasti tahmeus ei tuu tuotantoversioon. 

    6. N/A


    8. Maalintekosektori one-timereissa pienentynyt. Veska nappaa kiinni lähes kaiken jotka eivät tuu pienestä sektorista maalin edestä. Tuota vois aavistuksen ainakin suurentaa.

    9. Ihan jees, en oo itse niin hirveesti noiden perään, mutta ihan toimiva kai. 

    10. Turhaa näpertelyä. En myöskään halua pukea pelaajaa hänen vapaa-ajalleen, tai päättää mitä hän syö joten ns rennot ei napostele myöskään kentälle. 

    Poistaisin itse peliasut ja mailat, jotka ei näy kunnolla jäätä vasten. Ihan kusetusta. 

    11. Ei muuta lisättävää. 

    12. Hyvää ja nopeaa. Maalintekosektori one-timereissa pieni. En oo mikään expertti lajissa, ihan ok kumminkin. 

    13. Pelaajat ns seuraa hyvin, muttei tee mitään muuta kun seuraa puolustuksessa/karvauksessa.. Vois olla aktiivisempia ainakin paikka paikoin. Parannusta se ettei oo enää pakko pitää maalin edessä vetäjää itse puolustuksessa, kun bottikin hoitaa joskus. Aika ajoin tyhmät ketjun vaihtohetket. Samoin taklatessa vastustaja kaatuu ja nousee ylös pitäen kiekon koko ajan itsellään. Salibandysuojauksella ei meinaa saada millään muulla kun taklauksella kiekkoa pois. 

    14. Aika ajoin ylivoimainen, aika ajoin paska. Viivaveto ilman maskia luistelusta harvoin pitäisi upota. Kts kohta 12.

    15. Hyvä ja nopea luistelu. Muutenkin tahmeutta ei juuri tuntunut. 

    16. Kts kohta  13.

    17. Poke toimii musta vähän paremmin täällä. Ei anna spammaa. Sivustakin osuu tähtäämällä. Mailannosto hyvä. 

    18. N/A

    19. N/A

    20. Toivon todella, että eashl:n klubin puolella tahmeus jää NHL18 versioon. Ollut pitkästä aikaa mukava pelata, kun liike terävää ja tatit tottelee. Toivon EA:lta pelikohtaisten servereiden lisäämistä tai niiden laadun/kapasiteetin parantamista.

    Beta pikku betavikoineen on ollut pelattavuudeltaan aivan eri luokkaa kuin 18 tuotantoversio.

    Vaatetuksen lisäämistä rennompaan suuntaan joissain moodeissa en hiffaa ollenkaan, ellei sitten haluta rahastaa pentuja jotenkin pipojen hankinnassa varsinaisessa tuotantoversiossa. Muussa tapauksessa ihan turhaa shitaa.

    Pitäis mennä pelin toimivuus edellä ja pitää peli ns mahd kevyenä, jotta siitä sais mahd toimivan. 

    Pelaisin peliä varsinkin eashl modea 6vs6, vaikka siel olis vain punaisia ja keltaisia PELI-asuja, kunhan pelattavuus on A-luokkaa. 

    21. N/A





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  11. On 28.7.2018 at 22.57, Kenu kirjoitti:


    While I agree with you 100%, an improved connection has always been the case for me in the beta and when the actual game comes out, the connection - for one reason or another - is not as smooth. The numeric data for ping might be the same, but the smoothness is gone. Hopefully this is not the case for NHL 19.

    I hope it too. While others haven't been suffering bad "game experience" that often, i have had it through the whole nhl18. 

    I might know why, i can't just prove that without buying stuff to measure it out. 


    I would pay full price for only versus and EASHL modes, just to be able to enjoy smoothness in the game. 

    Beta has been really smooth except for the disconncting problems which bunch of players have been suffering. Not me tho..




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