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Oicteppotulppu last won the day on January 12 2022

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  1. Yeah the logic was exactly what Keuschemisch said above.
  2. Ban them all. Plus also make forwards to play with forward`s build and D’s play with D’s build. Pretty boring when you see both teams playing with 1 playmaker + 4 pmd’s, and everyone more or less with the same builds/traits.
  3. I think the major factor here (atleast from my point of view) is: This information comes 15Nov22 - relatively late taking into consideration sign-ups to atleast quals opened day before, 14Nov22 - late also thinking about the start date of lite/pro quals If you know the topic is going ”bomb-drop”, drop the bomb wayyyyy earlier. Like I said before, I really understand you Kenu. But in hindsight, if you drop the bomb same week you have sign-ups, it’s late, big time. Personally, I really don`t care about the money factor, it doesn`t play any role for me. I say again, few beers cost. Especially when you opened up things and said lower divs fees doesn`t go to Elite`s prize pool. But in real life in this community, there are many players from different backrounds. Eg teen young guns with no income, raised by single parent without a job. Totally different story. For him/her 45€ can be impossible to collect with this time-line, for real. Had SportGamer put this info on August or September, there would have been debates and discussions also, but people had adapted, atleast I think so. And admins would had time to make possible changes in good time before sign-ups etc. When information comes waaaay late, explanation cannot be ”we were on hurry”. You didn`t say that, but the time-line shows you were.
  4. Diizzylicious… yeah maybe. At the same time (not related to that what I wrote) 45€ is 45€. You drink 5 beers in some of Helsinki Centrum`s nightclub`s, and 45€ Is gone. But now when I`m thinking, the problem what I see is what was written earlier. Core and Lite collects the money, but the prizepools in those respective divisions are much smaller compared to Pro and Elite. So that is for me bit unfair. It doesn’t go like that in real world leagues either. Division 3 and 4 are not paying Top-leagues salary.
  5. I don`t have the time to play atm bc of work related stuff, have been pretty much on a brake for more than 6 months. I don`t agree with neo nor core fees. Guys are playing for fun and/or are new to the scene, not necessarily competitive mindset at all. Same goes 30-50% of lite teams. So… But at the same time I think: There is no free lunch in the table. - Servers cost money, maintenance cost money, platform develepment…everything costs money. Hours Kenu has put in this for free of charge is mindblowing. So I more than understand. We have enjoyed ECL for no cost, same goes to NHLGamer/Sportsgamer for years, but there are people who has done the work behind the scenes. So everyone is ofc free to try to do the same and put only the hours in. How many of members are actually ready to do that? I`d guess Kenu has done thousands of hours to ours behalf. And ofc all the volunteers also. And no, I`m not one of them, don`t have the time to put effort in it.
  6. Free rd for next ECL (lite/maybe pro) After skipping ongoing tournament for multiple reasons, wanna play again. I`m looking for relaxed, yet competitive team. Mostly interested in long-term relationship. I`m relatively easygoing adult dude and available 4-5 times/week. I really value good and relaxed atmosphere, but f.ex Jonnejumping is a big no-go for me. I can also consider new teams, projects as well, if the mindset is right. I have the ”lite—status” from previous tournament for that purpose. pm me here or psn oicteppotulppu
  7. Leftovers looking for players for Any position except for rd. So…if you: 1. Are preferably Finnish 2. Are without team or acting as a backup for having just name in the roster 3. Have lite or above status in ECL, decent player 4. Are easygoing dude, not Jonne or acting behind others back 5. Have decent inet connection, and also can communicate during the games 6. Are willing to play for fun but also to win, and still wanting to develop, contact me. Plan is to gather people to play couple of times a week instead of being a ”loan” most nights somewhere during the ECL season. IF we get full line-up and good athmosphere during the nights + the team is playing decently, nothing stops us to participate to next tournament. But that is not mandatory. I can promise you only this: - I`m not acting behind your back. I’m adult, relatively nice guy with good (sick) sense of humor, and I can talk straightly without being a douchebag. I know I’m not the worst player in the scene, but for sure, far from the best also (and never going to be in the top). So if you are interested, contact me on Discord, psn or NHLgamer: oicteppotulppu.
  8. Free rd (can test ld with righty too , but lefty is more natural for me) ECL (lite/ maybe pro) Free again, looking for long-term team. I can communicate in Finnish, English o lite på svenska också. if interested, pm oicteppotulppu psn, nhlgamer or discord
  9. Congrats guys, Solid performance, especially in the Finals!!
  10. 1.4? Farssi
  11. Free rd for ECL and regular games. (Prefer pro/top lite) Not considering pure back-up spot. Finnish relative easygoing guy, pretty active on-line. I can take feedback and I’m willing to learn from it. I appreciate good atmosphere in party. Last FCL in Hanaa HC as a backup. if interested, pm here or psn oicteppotulppu
  12. Rest in peace Ampu..😢
  13. Congrats Finköping!
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