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Everything posted by Lxndstrom

  1. +1 Great decision in this moment to compromise like this.
  2. I am Dman myself too, but what i think that we get more creative plays if we ban all defensive abilitys but without offensive abilitys we dont get rewarded in those plays. You can defend really well without any abilitys and truculence is more ”broken” than tipper. That ability does not belong this game ever
  3. And if we only need to speak ban all or just tipper then i think ban all but maybe everyone can get something if we ban all defensive abilitys and use only silver offensive abilitys and not any goalie abilitys?
  4. Have anyone thought about if we ban all defensive playstyles but not any offensive? And maybe that we use only silver ones, because what i think people mean when they say that without abilitys its more fun i think its because we have not any defensive playstyle you can do more plays, but if we ban all offensive abilitys too we dont see goals and most of them is somekind force to backpost
  5. Everyone who have played without abilitys know that this game is sooooo fun to play when there is no trucu and i really dont understand why people not want that to be banned? and everyone who have played now knows too that if we ban all there not going to be any goals in games and only goals will be force after force, i just pray that we can ban tipper and trucu and not others
  6. Agree with Antti here, but still i want so much truculence ban because you can hit really good without it and when you have trucu it broken game really much you doesnt get rewarded if you pass puck forward and want to go help and make it 3-2, 4-3 etc. because you are always collecting your shit like 5min... we get much more sense in gameplay if we ban trucu and tipper not others. maybe if many people want to ban all i can understand if we ban all golden abilitys but not silver, only trucu and tipper in both gold and silver
  7. Siis nyt mä en enää ees pysty tähä toine sankari tulee sanoo että äänestys on huono juttu ja toine sankari ottaa jonku koko yhteiskunnan mukaa keskusteluun😅😅😂😂
  8. If you see players like nikke, vattu etc. Speaking about bans and you think that they want that because it serves their playstyle you are just delusional because they are always best not matter what traits are available…
  9. We have always get best gameplay when we have done this (banned trucu and tipper) doesn’t really people not remember how much better and funnier game we was playing when truculence was banned
  10. Can just somebody tell me why we dont listen best players? Or/and watch what NA does and do same…? Not too hard, just ban trucu, tipper and we get best game we can about playable and competitive
  11. Just listen nikkedangles... he is one of the best i dont understand why we just cant do same thing what north americans do... why we always need to do some own random bs😄
  12. Hey, Last year i was talking months that we need to ban things and nothing wasnt done... And everyone was this year already thinking that we ban those because of course those are broken every year.... And if people is quiet they are happy the way things are(trucu x tipper banned)
  13. Why we dont listen best players in this game?? I really really hope this year every elite team can do agreement that we dont use trucu x tipper….
  14. Yep, games marked wrong order. But very good article!! appreciate very much🐐
  15. Tunnel lead series 3-1 in ecl 23 spring not us😔
  16. JYP Jyväskylä 🌪️🟥⬛ In: @Mozjayh Welcome Mozja nice to have you! maybe we now get little bit of "voittamisen kulttuuria"
  17. Listen to this guy!!! They but it right back in like couple days Maybe sometimes we need to take example in others like in NA there is trucu, tipper, uf banned and i think they even banned trucu before it was even in available in chel
  18. Eite edges should never be banned. but trucu and tipper yes
  19. I think we need to think about this topic how we get games be more fun to watch from the viewer's point of view so if trucu and tipper going to be banned we get more attacking side of thinks run the games and game looking much more entertaining.
  20. @Kenu let's make a vote? i know that tournament is going but those should be banned like a months ago already. Or atleast lets ban those on future tournaments!
  21. I think there is still very much More people who thinks that those ability Need to be banned. So much more fun to watch this game if trucu and tipperi is banned I really that thinks works like that but couple guys tried to ask if we make this kind a ”gentleman rule” but people only say that if it isn’t banned by sportsgamer we play with those
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