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  1. Free any for GCL, backup is also fine. Contact me here or on PSN: Makke7227
  2. Free C-RW bundle for the upcoming ECL in the form of me and Thunder--Frosted, open to any team offers from pro, lite or neo. Thunder can play RW/C and I can shift between any F spot/even RD but prefer C. Preferably a Finnish-speaking team, but English ain't a problem either. Player cards attached in the form of links down below, and you can contact either one of us here on this site or on PSN: Makke7227 / Thunder--Frosted https://nhlgamer.com/players/2714 https://nhlgamer.com/players/2693
  3. After a turn of events, looking for a team for the next ECL season or even longer. Preferably pro Main positions C/RW, but not really weak on either defence spot either. Just not G/LW. Preferably a starter position but not going to get mad at a backup position either. Can speak Finnish and English (and very shitty swedish) Recent teams: Kalamasu HT and 27 Mostly available from 18 to 23 CETish every day. Can contact me here or on PSN by the name of Makke72
  4. Looking for tryouts in the offseason, maybe even for a team in the next ECL if there's a good match in chemistry Preferably pro, open to top lite aswell Main positions C/RW, open to playing RD/LD too. Can speak Finnish and English (and very shitty swedish) Recent teams: Kalamasu HT and 27 Active, but university studies restrict my playing times a bit. Mostly available from 18 to 23 CETish Prefer to be contacted here, as I hardly open my PS without a reason (games), but I go by the PSN Makke72.
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