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cHIIMEERa last won the day on August 20 2021

cHIIMEERa had the most liked content!


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  1. Appearantly im getting no versions. Not about pay for a ps4 version when i know theres a ps5 version. Not about to pay for a ps5 version that has no NG tournaments. See you in NHL23 perhaps! This is a pass for me. 🥴 Just to clarify: I think NG is making the right play here. It’s The NHL devs that sucks for not implementing crossplay and being greedy about this.
  2. Grats Neppo ma boy ❤️
  3. Congratulations Black Horse! And GL Enigma in your qualifier
  4. Up Edit: will take this week to consider my options. Not actively looking anymore.
  5. Hi! Looking for a team to keep in touch with 6s and EASHL. Preffered pos is C/RW. Nationality: Swedish Age: 33 I have played in the elite division since launch, so somewhere around that level prefferably. Past teams: Northern Stars, Luleå Hockey
  6. Congrats boys!
  7. Have no fear, the fearless knights are here .
  8. I played for 4 hours back in October last year. Horrible experience. Is it better now?
  9. I think theyre forcing the player class meta upon us with the individual height spans of each class. This renders the dangler & sniper useless in competetive 6's. Classes that could have so much potential if they we're allowed to be 1.91cm for instance. Its just a small change but would make the meta more diverse. Also, @Jesus i would really like if they remove annual releases and updated the game on the fly. Would open up for in game purchases / customisation etc. But i guess Fifa would have to take that step first.
  10. An update: The fundraising if now closed. Im so very proud of you guys. we managed to raise 28504 swedish crowns (2654 euros). Feels good to be able to say that we, the community financed Daniels funeral. It should give his family some comfort to know how much love we had for him here. The funeral will be this friday, keep Daniel in your thoughts then. From the bottom of my heart, a sincere thank you.
  11. I started a fundraiser for Daniels family. If you want to support them and pitch in for expenses related to Daniels passing you can do that here
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