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Everything posted by TheArska

  1. Free F/D for ECL Lite/Pro/Elite https://sportsgamer.gg/players/220
  2. Free F/D for upcoming tournaments. Both handedness are ok. Contact here or PSN
  3. Free F/D, prefer right handedness. Division doesn't matter
  4. Situations have changed so UP to this one. Left-handedness (RD/RW) is also possible, but it takes some time
  5. Free F/D looking for new team. Probably the best positions to the team what I can play are C/LW/LD. Contact here or PSN: XxProArskaxX
  6. Free F/D looking for new team. Probably the best positions to the team what I can play are LD/C/RD/LW. Backup is also ok for me if needed. Contact here or PSN: XxProArskaxX
  7. Free f/d looking for options for upcoming tournaments. Probably the best positions to the team what I can play are LW/C/RW or LD. Division dosent matter Contact here or PSN: XxProArskaxX
  8. Reality Check HC 🍍 IN: @Mister (linuseliel) from FA OUT: @Iltapeli (apettaja) to Supernatural @James (Jamechkin) to Rookie Mistakes
  9. Up. We are looking for a starting LW at the moment and as an update to the situation, we are also looking for starting G or 50/50 G. Contact me or @Pursuitti in here
  10. Reality Check HC IN: @Pursuitti from RCTIC @TheArska from Blackdawgs @N44TTI_16 from Tequila Sunrise @snaasigi from Tequila Sunrise @jezbaru from Northern Ascendancy @Frilander from Tunnel Vision @Flopper71 from Rookie Mistakes
  11. F/D looking for team to ECL and other future tournaments. I am able to play with both handedness Stats: https://nhlgamer.com/players/220 You can contact here or on PSN: XxProArskaxX
  12. LW/C/RW/LD/RD looking for team to future tournaments. I played FCL C/LD at Reality Check. Stats: https://nhlgamer.com/players/220 You can contact here or on PSN: XxProArskaxX
  13. LW/C/RW (LD/RD) looking for other options for future tournaments. I played LW/C at Blackdawgs last season. Stats: https://nhlgamer.com/players/220 You can contact here or on PSN: XxProArskaxX
  14. Free LW/C/RW (LD/RD) looking for new winds. I am able to play both handedness. Player card: https://nhlgamer.com/players/220 Contact me here
  15. Sandstorm We are looking for Forward (LW/C), Defender and Goalie for the future tournaments. Contact here
  16. Sandstorm Is looking for LD or LW Contact me or @MozjaTG here
  17. Free F/D (All pos and both handedness) for FCL/ECL https://nhlgamer.com/player.php?playerID=220
  18. Free LW/C/RW/RD/LD for this spring and also next ECL. LW/C/RW would be preferable. Able to play both-handedness. PSN: XxProArskaxX
  19. Looking for team to this offseason and next season. I played ECL7 in Wasps Gaming. I can play RW/C/LW and also both handedness. Both D-positions should also be succeed. Here is my ECL stats. Contact here or PSN: XxProArskaxX
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