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  1. Already says so in the article: Please record video clearly showing the problem is in the game you are supposed to play to remove any doubt of tampering ideally the players should take screenshot and short video loading into the game.
  2. Thanks for tackling this very real issue! For full transparency, I have virtually the same ping to North and North-East server (~34ms and ~37ms), so it really doesn't strengthen my connection advantage when switching from Helsinki to Stockholm in case of high ping or packet loss problems (other than ping being slightly higher for Finns). I think it is similar for most central server based players, so I still assume Finnish teams will maintain a home advantage on Stockholm.
  3. Why are there predictions from an anonymous player? 😅
  4. this is some QUALITY stuff. great work with the information about all the teams, this is a joy to read 👏🏻
  5. Mit dem Retirement von Sven und der allgemeinen Kaderentwicklung der Black Jacks frage ich mich, wie lang man sie noch als Eidgenossen bezeichnen kann 🤔😇
  6. Smart move by @Kenu to throw the series so he can fully focus on the upcoming Elite finals 🧠
  7. Würde @Toneee9 auf LD stellen und @Franky__2768 auf RD. Spielt bei uns links weil er flexibel ist, aber rechts wär ihm glaub ich sogar lieber wenn sein Partner links bevorzugt. ✌️
  8. Winning 3 Game 7s in a row ... CLUTCH Congrats!
  9. Free RW or C for FCL. Starter or backup is fine https://nhlgamer.com/players/2555 PSN: ProfaneKiss
  10. I don't wanna be that guy, but there are 4 sentences about each pair 😅😘 On a serious note, I appreciate the time constraints for these, and of course we take anything we get, but maybe for the preview of the final in each division it would be appropriate to show the road to the finals for each team in more detail? Would definitely be awesome to see. In earlier rounds it might be tough because there are lots of teams still - in the final you can concentrate on 2 teams only, maybe get a statement from one of the captains as well? Since I don't know every team, sometimes it would also be nice to get some context info, e.g. how many seasons they've been playing in ECL, who on the rosters already played in an ECL final, etc. Maybe also links to the twitch channels that will broadcast these games + when those games are scheduled to be played, if the teams already know. This info could also be provided by the captains.
  11. Valid point. I feel PSN has way more issues than I'm used to from Xbox Live
  12. Are you sure? If you can really play every Xbox game on PC as well, why are there always a lot of people complaining that EA doesn't make NHL for PC anymore? I like Xbox better, but got a PS4 for nhlgamer. I think PS will be the only reasonable choice, because there is practically nobody in this community from EU who doesn't have it.
  13. Trendsetters to watch: @Timasy
  14. Ich glaube hier schauen nur sehr wenige rein. Frage besser auf Facebook oder Discord nach. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2231079253794129 Discord: https://discord.gg/CTKCJa
  15. More like shit distance to the servers
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