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antoniomannen004 last won the day on November 22 2024

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  1. ban truculence, it is as annoying/op and non skill based as big tipper ty
  2. Why were something like this not thrown to a poll??? How can this decision be made without taking into account what the players think of it After all we are the ones playing with this shitty truculence big tipper meta... Also who has complained in the first place about truculence,big tipper,uforce being banned? Last year was horrific gameplay wise since the game sucked but those 2 seasons were much more enjoyable than the 23 winter season when we had truculence on minimum 4 skaters per team... Gör om gör rätt 🤪
  3. close quarters is nowhere close to being as op as previous games this year, tbh i think make it snappy is more broken Truculence is not just op it makes the gameplay incredibly boring to watch and play, its not just about skillgap and so on its about it being boring to play with.. creativity is kind of dead with truculence being a thing. When u ban truculence u need to ban unstoppable force with it aswell.. Big tipper is awful and needs banning. I personally feel like tips are op already even tho you dont have big tipper activated. And this about it being same for everyone that is ofc true but honestly i think theres a bigger majority who believes the game got more boring when truculence was introduced than people who thought it became more fun! We banned truculence last year and with how the hitting is this year truculence is even more broken so i honestly cant understand how it is not banned yet, Its insane really it honestly is.
  4. Free Fwd for FCL contact here or discord antoniomannen_
  5. Vesa Pompa in SCL/ECL In: @antonlule out: @SebbeLarsen86 Thanks to Sebbe for all the seasons and success past couple years ❤️ And welcome to new swedish superstar Antonlxnd 😌
  6. Färjestad looking for goalie for upcoming seasons! Elite experience or top Pro experience required Contact me or @Eken45jr here or on discord: Antoniomannen_ & Eken19
  7. Yea ofc, just wanted to give my feedback, gl in qualifiers
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