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antoniomannen004 last won the day on March 6

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  1. Change that "but you or someone complained" to "someone complained" I have not complained that i want it banned, but i am happy it became that way
  2. We are not complaining either you are the ones not happy with the rules atm! You didnt see us out with pitchforks saying that all abilites must be banned! Now they got banned i have enjoyed gameplay more and find that more fun
  3. Yes doumi a poll is probably right to settle it, and by the looks of it yes many Elite players want abilities allowed and Abilties probably will be allowed. And i atleast will accept and adapt (cant speak for everyone). But the thing i'm trying to lift is that it feels like the vote will be a bit "meh" cause what i have gathered and understood is some guys have already made up their mind completely, so even tho they enjoy the switch they will probably just stick by what they once said and make their best efforts to find problems in that gameplay while trying to find the best excuses for the problems in the other one. But if minds are made up ofc ppl cant change them and everyone then needs to accept that we get nothing from throwing tomatoes at eachothers faces. Just a bit sad that this is where it probably goes
  4. U are maybe correct? The problem with this is If u enjoy abilities there is always gonna be a problem with some goals going in because of it! Nothing in this game is completely well done and thought through correctly. With every 7 gold one tees that go in cleanly like they should there will be 3-4 that go through the goalie But on the other hand is if you enjoy no abilities is that gameplay is not gonna be perfect either With every 7 one tee u score cleanly without any abilities u will miss 3-4 open nets on them aswell that should go in The game is far from perfect nothing we are gonna get through this discussion will lead to "perfection" u just simply have to state what you find the most reasonable and what you prefer.
  5. That is fine tomboo! It is your opinion, i have a different opinion it is fine I am just writing now cause if we are gonna have a discussion about these things people need to be able to write what they think without being scared of being hounded with comments that you are a bot or have skill issue by the best players in the scene! That is no way to run a democracy! And u guys want a vote right to settle this? Then it needs to be a fair vote where people are not scared to vote against the "elite" guys cause they are scared of getting shit on with comments! That is my whole point If u want my whole reason why i enjoy it more write to me in DM cause i dont wanna fill this thread up with anymore of my opinions since it already has been stated, i want to let other guys write what they think
  6. I dont know if i have to repeat myself I have played with both abilities and no abilities I get that abilities are part of the game. I enjoy the gameplay without abilities more i have found it more fun to play. Whatever u say wont change my mind It is fine to discuss things why u like it this way but dont come at me or anyone else saying we enjoy it more without and call us bots or saying skill issue dont be an arrogant guy and just state your argument for why u want abilities in the game Not gonna take anything you write seriously since u probably gonna retire again in like 3 months for what is it? The 4th time? I have lost count
  7. Maybe? i dont know i dont believe so But this arrogant way of looking at things is not the way to go. Come with arguments for why you like abilities without putting other people down and calling them bots
  8. Very arrogant way to look at things! Just because someone doesnt share your opinion in something doesnt mean it is trolling I want all abilities ban! I enjoy the gameplay more that way! But calling people stupid for enjoying something that you yourself dont enjoy is a very arrogant way at looking at things in both life and in this case I accept the players who think abilities is fine! That is your opinion, but dont call me or anyone else who enjoys something else stupid, cause that has been the case in this discussion! That way people dont dare stand up for what they believe in cause if they write what they actually think they just get the best players in the scene hounding them calling them "shit" "skill issue" stuff like that
  9. ban truculence, it is as annoying/op and non skill based as big tipper ty
  10. Why were something like this not thrown to a poll??? How can this decision be made without taking into account what the players think of it After all we are the ones playing with this shitty truculence big tipper meta... Also who has complained in the first place about truculence,big tipper,uforce being banned? Last year was horrific gameplay wise since the game sucked but those 2 seasons were much more enjoyable than the 23 winter season when we had truculence on minimum 4 skaters per team... Gör om gör rätt 🤪
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