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Everything posted by Ubula

  1. My opinion If want something new and different every player should be different build, not like now two Puck moving on D two snipers on sides. Would be interesting to see bit More different builds and would Make game Even little different.
  2. Just Ban everything from every division simple 👍
  3. Ecl team founded still open for other tournaments.
  4. Free lw looking for team next season lite/core prefer Finnish team but swedish ok too. Fcl can play backup role. Contact here or PSN id RuttuBerse
  5. Free lw/rw for fcl. Backup is ok too. PM here or psn RuttuBerse
  6. Mmmm should go play nacl still free and little higher ping but free without license payments 👍
  7. Or how about take those prizes away from lite and core and drop payments thats what i think is fair
  8. If idea is to make everything more pro to get better sponsors etc, should allso change this you cam get from core to Pro. IS there Anu league anywhere in this planet on mans or women's sport where is possible to jump divisions like that. Its allso unfair to core teams that good players want to go play core becouse that IS easy way to get on Pro qualifiers. And good writing tulppu 👍
  9. Should have senior series below neo, wifes dont give permission anywhere to go or Even If had permission alla money goes to children 😂
  10. Why we have to pay live events? Make them who want there to pay. I dont care to go there If had possibility, first drive 500km and place to stay and meals etc... Like i sayd before how about team sices? Should drop on lite and core, If teams dont want backups and that could make new teams too.
  11. Good writing The thing IS lite or core dont get anything at all, few hundred euro dosnt do anything. Biggest thing on lower level how is it going to work example on lite team has to play 200e but If you have More then 8 players IS license lower or actual participation fee few euro lower per player? And what If somebody leaves from team when tournament has started? IS new guy again paying license wich has payed allready from team? Participation i understand have to pay. If player who leaves and go lower or higher level then what? What If one player dosnt pay at all then othets have to pay extra and still have to get that one More player as rules says to play at all, example If i pay one extra do i have to Ask money from new player for myself or do i get money Back and new player pays to Gamer? Too much openings here wich have to resolve.
  12. I could see something like 20-40e from team and how meany players you have you share payment and teams dont need have More then 6 players becouse nobody wants to play from backup role when probably dont get More then 1-3 rounds of games. And with prize pool lite should Be biggest, why lower lvl should pay elite or Pro teams dont Make sence. If this Gösta through i see someone making new league where people van play for free and thats end of nhlgamer at least out of elite or Pro.
  13. How fcl cost only 5e and this 20e? Dont say that its big money for me or allmoust anyone but how about younger players who have to Ask money from parents etc... And If so is there promises that people who work for free doing nothing starts to do their work without saunakamu meininki? This is only my opinion with experience.
  14. Free Winger prefer lw looking for team on nhl23 and future tournaments. Finnish old guy experience since 09. Contact here or PSN id: RuttuBerse
  15. Looking for lw/c for future tournaments not interested from Back up position.
  16. Free lw looking for new home can take c or ld If needed, prefer Finnish/swedish teams. Experience from Pro/lite/core Contact me here or PSN: RuttuBerse
  17. Free lw for upcoming tournaments Prefer lite and Finnish/swedish teams. Contact me here or PSN RuttuBerse
  18. Start of season didn't go as planned, looking for lw spot but all except goalie goes If needed. Prefer lite/core
  19. Still free looking for lw spot from lite/core. Msg here or PSN:RuttuBerse
  20. Free lw looking for Finnish or swedish team Pro/lite/core experience from Pro and lite contact here or PSN:RuttuBerse
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