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Nispekt last won the day on February 9 2018

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  1. Etin tiimiä. Oon all stars tasoa kaikilla pelipaikoilla, mutta mielellään laiturin tonttia;D ECL ei kiinnosta, mutta voin tuurata vaikkareita. Voin tulla try outille vaikka heti. PSN: nispekt tai fb Jari Nissi viestiä. En jaksa täällä päivystää;D
  2. ;D Somehow found my self at ur site while trying to find out the brackett for is cup;D
  3. I want to participate, couldnt find the rigistration thou....
  4. PS4 beta code
  5. Well this WO rule is ridiculous especially for those who are fighting for spot in the lime light(playoffs) I DONT SEE HOW ITS FAIR FOR ANYBODY THAT OTHER TEAMS GET 6pts WITHOUT DOING ANYTHING. We were 2 points behind poff line and got those 2 points today but with this farce its not even in our hands anymore. Spot in the playoofs should be earned but is it now that other teams get WO and 6pts. Only proper action with situation like this is invalidate all the games Cirus played so that no team would get any advantage from the situation. If not what prevents this happening in the future where some team wih no chance of getting to playoffs just quits and gives the points to other teams and again makes it unfare to everybody. Of cource the rules are there on the board but I dont think anybody anticipated this kinda situation to even happen or thought about it before the tournament started. So the ball is in admins hand to make this case fair for everybody. And by the way last time in EHL this same kinda situation happened and we were eliminated from the playoffs unfairly;D This is like making a murder at playstation world;D Can it happen twice for the same guy. PS. If we dont get to the poffs then we dont get there and im fine with that as I was last time so I am not posting this whine post just my team in my thoughts but with the big picture in my mind and how it should be fair to everybody.
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