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Zip player

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Zip player last won the day on April 25 2022

Zip player had the most liked content!

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    Zip Player
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  1. Free 😅😅😅 LW/C/RW/LD/RD Backup is also fine 🤘 Contact here or discord ZipPlayer#6478
  2. Sign-up period 1: 22.3-7.4, applies to ECL Elite Regular Season Kick-Off Dates: ECL Elite 24.5
  3. Kova Esports IN: - @Sakkem from Ghetto Firebirds - @Valluxet from Ghetto Firebirds Welcome OUT: - @jahajaha93 - @Joltterii - @Kane - @jorma2001 GGs and ty for everything boyz ❣️
  4. KOVA Esports IN: jorma2001 Joltterii Keinaa- OUT: EABUNKA KrisutusB Solidelli
  5. KOVA ESPORTS (ECL Elite) Looking for starting RW and backup F/D Contact me here
  6. Miracle (Team Frosty) ECL Elite We are looking for one more forward and RD to our starting lineup!!!!! - preferred pos RW but if you can play LW/C too it is a huge plus - you have to be active and we hope that you know how to use whatsapp - we are looking for an Elite player or even one hidden gem perhaps neverthless, you dont have to be a top 10 player in ECL All Time Stats, which is more important to us, is that you respect and play for the logo - we would like you to be competitive as hell when it comes for winning and playing for the team, but still you like and know how to have fun If you think that you are the guy what we are looking for ---> contact to me in here PM or PS ZipPlayer or in discord Zipplayeri#6478
  7. Miracle IN - Valluxet - Artuzio - Kaneqto - huulihoelkka44 - TheFakiiR1 - Mehiiss - FINSeRe - Suitsukemestari
  8. Miracle (Team Frosty) ECL Elite We are looking for one more forward to our team!!!!! - preferred pos C but if you can play LW/RW too it is a huge plus - you have to be active and we hope that you know how to use whatsapp - we are looking for an Elite player or even one hidden gem perhaps neverthless, you dont have to be a top 10 player in ECL All Time Stats, which is more important to us, is that you respect and play for the logo - we would like you to be competitive as hell when it comes for winning and playing for the team, but still you like and know how to have fun If you think that you are the guy what we are looking for ---> contact to me in here PM or PS ZipPlayer or in discord Zipplayeri#6478 PS. Logo is coming soon .. if someone could make it to us (yes we will pay for it)
  9. Invictus (old Team Frosty) ECL Elite Looking for 1-3 players to the next tournaments and ECL Elite (NHL20) - 1-2 (LW C RW) - 1 (RD/LD)
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