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  1. Up. Still looking for the right fit for the future now after ECL season is over. Will probably have more time to play than i first thought aswell. Also free for FCL. If interested, please contact me here or on PSN: Discokryckan.
  2. First hand looking for an Elite or perhaps PRO team. Haven’t played since ECL Elite season 10 but are making an effort to come back within a limited a icetime due to family and work. Therefore mostly looking for a 50/50 or a backup role. Will at least be able to play 2-4 nights a week. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/430#nhl
  3. Free Goalie. Been retired for about 2 years but are looking to get a foot back in the game again although I won’t be too active most likely. PSN: Discokryckan
  4. Free G, as backup role due to can’t be too active. PSN: Discokryckan
  5. Freee G for FCL 🙂 Mainly looking for a backup-role. Contact: PSN@ Discokryckan
  6. ”We’re looking forward to the Champions league game tonight, and we have another huge Liverpool fan here, the captain of AIK Björn ”Bjono” Nordetun!”
  7. Goalie looking for club for next season of ECL. Because of my work that can take up a lot of my time, its a little bit unsure how active I can be, some weeks I can play pretty much everyday and some weeks just a few days. But with a bit of planning we should get through that obsticle. And therefore I have no problem with a backup position that fits me good. Played last couple tournaments with Nordic Lightning in Elite div and rather stay up there (if someone wants me ) or Pro div is fine too. Swim calm as we say in la suede. PSNid: Pippo1891 Edit: if you for some reason are interested please contact me at my PSN since i barely look in here
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