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  1. Kiekkonapalmi is looking for new players. We are building a team to play offseason 6s and participate in future tournaments. Older players with some (bad) sense of humor are preferred. We are mosly finns so it's a plus if you can perkele. -We need mostly center and goalie, but players for all positions are welcome so we can get big enough roster to play 6s regulalry. It would be great if you can play multiple positions so we can rotate if the need arises. -Team play orientation and relaxed attitude are needed. -We have plenty of time to find some chemistry. Patience and willingness to work things out is a must. Hopefully you have some skills and hockey IQ already. We don't expect anything magical. Contact me Limppuhuuli or serenitylost87 in PSN and lets höntsä.
  2. Free agent RD/RW -Can play both positions as well/bad and others if needed. -Defense first mindset. -Decent passer with some sense of the game. -Active. -No previous ECL experience, but I've been playing this piece of shit series for too long already. -If I suck at something I'll try to get better. I'm looking for an active team with good team spirit to play with and take my game futher. Finnish team would be ideal. Send message in PSN if interested.
  3. I miss the good old days when real customization was possible. It was easier in my opinion to really pick a certain role instead of trying to be a jack of all trades. All the attributes didn't work like they should have though, but I would still like to get the old system back maybe without the mandatory grinding. Grind was helpful for learning to play with certain strenghts as one couldn't really be good at many things before getting most of the attribute points, but it shouldn't be a something that you have to do.
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