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Everything posted by entii112

  1. Ld/(rd) looking for team. Backup role is fine Contact me here or ps4 (entii112)
  2. Ld looking for elite/pro team. Contact me here or ps4 (entii112)
  3. I played ECL 3 season in Checkmate and i can cofirm that we could have played those games againts SSG in last two regular season days but majority of us didn't wanted to play and only wanted WO. The time what i was there i sadly must say that Checkmate is that kind of club who prefer to get WO than decide who is better on ice. Im relieved that stuff didn't give WO to checkmate (what i strongly believe they wanted) but instead we play rematch games. -entii112
  4. PSN: entii112 Positions: LD/LW About me: Player from Finland. There are some weeks when i can play only in sundays and some weeks when i can play whole week. Captain: No
  5. Hi

    Is there any chance to make late registration to ECL? Our club name is Puckaroonies. I heard that 1 of our club members, sidor99 have talk about this.

    1. Kenu


      Hi! You can apply, but unfortunately at this stage we can not promise you a spot, as we wish to limit the amount of teams to 60. Please apply though, as teams may drop out.

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