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  1. Free D / G for upcoming tournaments. Searching for an active lite/top core team. Can play weekly sunday-thursday. Even sometimes friday/saturday if absolutely necessary. Can speak Finnish/English 🤘 Contact here, or psn NeonHum
  2. Memento for memento! 😍 Thanks again @Jonetzky!
  3. Logo for the Shameful Knights! Thank you @Ollizhki 😍
  4. Free D for upcoming tournaments / Can also play F if needed +active +can play both sides +can afford license -bad humour 😂 psn: NeonHum | discord: Neonhum#9180 contact me here, discord or psn.
  5. Golden Whalers! Thank you @Rairama
  6. Active free player for upcoming tournaments. Prefer to D but can play F/G too. Can communicate in finnish, english and swedish (though I'm rusty with this one) 😁 Would prefer a team in ecl lite or upwards. (Good core team on upward trajectory is an option as well) Contact me here, psn: NeonHum or discord Neonhum#9180 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/290#nhl
  7. Wizard! Thanks Lemmenvelhot & @Jmaisema!
  8. A mighty star for the Mighty Stars! Thank you 🤩
  9. Some bears for hunters! Thanks @Miettinen14 🤘
  10. There's really not that much to starting a club per se, especially if you are only playing casual. Just make a club in NHL 22 and invite some friends and get playing. If you are looking in to going for tournaments you need to make sure that the whole team is committed to playing on certain dates (at least the scheduled games) or having enough backup players. At least 8 players are required and 14 was the cap if I remember correctly. If you are not able to play the scheduled days and you can't find a replacement date for matches (within the given timeframe) you will be forced to forfeit a.k.a give walkovers to the other team, and may be subject to a ban from future tournaments. Creating a team is easy enough, but managing 8-14 people is a bit harder especially if they are not that committed or have busy social/worklife. Also keep in mind that most of the ECL tournaments have teams from northern europe so the home matches of those teams will be played on the north europe servers, which mean that you are going to have a worse connection. The connection is PLAYABLE, but significantly worse. Ofcourse the workaround to this is to play only tournaments that are played mostly on servers closer to you. After all this, if you are still interested in creating and managing your own team, go for it! It can be most rewarding, there's no feeling like it when you win as a team, but it also takes alot! Hope this helps 😁 ps. ECL NEO is good if you are looking to start your own team and playing somewhat competetively.
  11. Hi, When will the list of eligible teams be updated? Registeration closes in 6 days
  12. New logo for a new team Be A Bro! Thanks @Janikka, @imosi for the commission.
  13. A bear for Technical Disaster (TED) 😁 Thanks @Kaapo13!
  14. Another logo for London Lightning, thank you for the order @DobboJ90!
  15. New logo for Neptune Hockey, thank you @JakkeJynkky!
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