Hey! 23y old Finn looking for a club (Elite/Pro team) for the NHL 19 and the next ECL season.
EASHL and NHL veteran (EASHL since 2011 The Mato, Afro Lions, PoF, Finnish Roosters...).
Positions: LD/RD
Latest teams: Gotham Knights, Finnish Roosters
Msg me!
PSN and Steam: jyrkkis_
22y old Finn looking for a club(Elite/Pro team) for the NHL 18 and the next ECL season.
I'm EASHL and NHL veteran (EASHL since 2011) but haven't been that active on this generation of consoles. I'm looking to make a bigger impact on my next team and reach my top level again!
Latest team (PS4): Finnish Roosters(ECL1,2,3,4)
Preferred positions LD/RD/RW. Can stunt as G as well.
Msg me!
PSN: jyrkkis_
Steam: jyrkkis_
Skype: [email protected]