Etsin tryoutteja lite/core jengeihin. Kiinnostaa pelata paljon ja kokemusta löytyy muutamat kaudet molemmista sarjoista. Viestiä voi laittaa täälä tai pleikalla.
Pelipaikat LW, C , Rw
Pakkina luutuaminen onnistuu myös tarvittaessa.
Free RW / C is looking for a team in Lite.
I would be interested in playing a lot and earning a place in the playing lineup through tryout.
22 years old from finland
Contact me: PSN/ Chosenone93
or here in gamer
Finnish player looking for Ecl team or to next tournaments
I can play C, RW or RD
Searching top lite team!
psn: Chosenone93
Im 22y
Finnish player looking for Ecl team or to next tournaments
I can play C, RW or RD
I have played in Murohoki
Searching top lite team!
psn: Chosenone93
Im 22y