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Everything posted by Juhannuspalju

  1. Etsin tryoutteja lite/core jengeihin. Kiinnostaa pelata paljon ja kokemusta löytyy muutamat kaudet molemmista sarjoista. Viestiä voi laittaa täälä tai pleikalla. Pellervo37 Pelipaikat LW, C , Rw Pakkina luutuaminen onnistuu myös tarvittaessa.
  2. Free f/d for upcoming tournaments. Contact me here or psn Chosenone93
  3. Free C, RW, RD for upcoming tournaments! Psn: Chosenone93 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/3286
  4. Free C or Rw looking for new team in next Ecl Lite! Contact me here or Psn: Chosenone93 https://nhlgamer.com/players/3286
  5. Free C/RW looking for team in next ECL up coming tournaments! Tryouts? Lite Psn: Chosenone93 Or here
  6. Free C or RW contact me here or in psn: Chosenone93 Lite
  7. Free RW / C is looking for a team in Lite. I would be interested in playing a lot and earning a place in the playing lineup through tryout. 22 years old from finland Contact me: PSN/ Chosenone93 or here in gamer https://nhlgamer.com/players/3286
  8. Free C or RW looking club for upcoming ecl 22 years old ready for tryouts contact me here or in psn: Chosenone93
  9. Finnish player looking for Ecl team or to next tournaments I can play C, RW or RD Searching top lite team! psn: Chosenone93 Im 22y https://nhlgamer.com/players/3286
  10. Finnish player looking for Ecl team or to next tournaments I can play C, RW or RD I have played in Murohoki Searching top lite team! psn: Chosenone93 Im 22y https://nhlgamer.com/players/3286
  11. Murohoki is looking for a goalie! Contact psn: Snusmumriken_98
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