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imosi last won the day on March 27 2024

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  1. I agree. We tried it yesterday against teams that defended it with several players, but it still went in at an insane percentage. I'm sure most teams can agree with me on this: the Big Tipper is the most broken ability at the moment. Personally, I don't like Truculence, but the Big Tipper is so overpowered, it's ridiculous. I understand Sportsgamer's perspective, but this ability is so broken it's not even fun anymore. I don't think anyone realized how overpowered it would be when Sportsgamer originally announced that no abilities would be banned for the first ECL (on September 6th). I highly recommend the Gamer Staff reconsider banning this ability. If not, all teams will just abuse and spam it constantly. This ability changes the way teams play so much that it alters the entire game.
  2. The gameplay is actually best in years, it's not all about hustle anymore. Ofc there are always some tweaking, but the biggest problems right now are on the matchmaking side and extremely slow menus. They should fix these as priority. - Removing the room size: exact is the dumbest decision they've made since they completely removed eashl from nhl 15 back in the days. - Servers are messed up? Finnish vs Finnish team plays on the Swedish server? Happens all the time. - Grudge is a bit meh and it is very broken, it is always the center at least for us :D. - Timed onetees are very overpowered. - Stick lift need some adjustment, you can spam it quite a bit. - Inconsistent penalties as mentioned before. - Weird animations at the wrong time. We get a penalty and the replay shows the last goal. All in all it's impossible to give more feedback as searching for an opponent is a nightmare at the moment. We spend much more time in the menus than in-game.
  3. First of all, is anyone having success in finding 6v6 games quickly or consistently? Sometimes we find games very quickly and sometimes we have to search for quite some time. I don't know if its about luck or what...or the positions of the stars and the moon? Who knows...(Maybe EA does). We doing Crossplay: Enabled or Disabled? From our experience it doesn't really matter. Any "designated searchers" on your teams having more success? Haven't paid attention, but sometimes when I am the room leader we move to some weird vortex and we are not able to find an opponent. When we switch the room leader without resetting the dressing room it instantly finds a game? This is strange, I have all my ports opened from the router etc. Are people just doing privately setup BO3s or BO5s? We try to ask different teams to play Bo3's if we don't find any decent opponent... But it is a bit of "työmaa" aka construction site try to arrange these games.. If so, what general codes are we using for those Private games (there seems to be a few different ones out there)? Maybe we could think of some NEW unique passwords for the same level opponents, for an example: nhlgamerLITE would be for core-lite, nhlgamerPRO for top lite/pro qualiteams and pro teams etc. If anyone has a good idea about the password thing, please enlighten us! The few different ones we have right now doesn't seem to work as some teams are not using them correctly at all.
  4. Free RW for the upcoming ecl. Prefer a Finnish or a Swedish team.
  5. Ban or not, it would be appreciated if we got some kind of official answer or information on this.
  6. Oh shit, here we go again.. After unfortunate events with my current team, im free. Free RW, looking for a starter role in Lite or Pro. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/119
  7. I can't even ping to these addresses.. promising
  8. Elisa fiber here, no micro-stutters or packet losses...yet. I had this weird high ping problem (100-150ms) at the beginning of the launch of NHL 24 and EAFC, but buying a new router fixed all that. Why am I not surprised that only NHL 24 has problems like this?? 99% sure all you DNA and micro-stutter guys would have zero issues with games like MW3, CS2, etc... I heard that EA is using AWS servers in NHL 24 (not 100% sure) and because of that they have multiple different IP addresses, so good luck trying to traceroute it. Also, I am almost sure EA won't even give you any exact IP addresses.
  9. Free RW, can consider being a backup, 50/50 or a starter.. Contact me here or psn: imosi1
  10. Also the timing for these increased fees could have been better. First of all everyone had to buy PS5's, then of course the game and now the increased team licenses plus the player licenses. That's a lot of money. I really understand the frustration of the lower divisions especially compared to the price pool. This also affects us who play Pro. Now "only" the top 8 get something back. For most I don't think it's about that players can't afford to pay the fees, but it's a matter of principles. Maybe sportsgamer could consider to be more open to the comminity about where the money will be used for? We all do understand there are expenses, but the lack of information causes the amount of negativity atm.. "Se oli tonnin seteli".. Tonni
  11. Be a Bro in: @MCH_98 (back from fcl) @Sanezh out: @Niskalaukaus @pakjiz Welcome 💪🏻 and thanks for everything Niska and Pakis. Wish you all the best!
  12. Up. Looking for a starting C or D.
  13. Be a Bro Looking for starting LD for FCL. Contact me or @rakkauspakkaus- here or psn: imosi1 or rakkauspakkaus-
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