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  1. Rest in peace my friend 😪
  2. Free RD. Experience in ECL&EHL. Looking club where I can play ECL games too. Back-up role for ECL works fine.
  3. Free agent RD/RW/C. Contact here or PSN: pelimies80
  4. Experienced and active player looking for a team in ECL6. I'am looking for: - ELITE-team -language finnish/english team What you get: - allrounder 2-way player -favourite positions RD/RW/C - 2-times Summer Cup Champion(captain) - Mic and WhatsApp - teamplayer - ECL/EHL experience Contact here or PSN: pelimies80
  5. Hello! New finnish team looking for center and rightwing. What we want? -very active 2-way teamplayer -defense first mindset -headset -EHL/ECL experience is advantage for you -smart player who understand tactical side of the game too What you get? -good atmosphere and team spirit -club games almost every evening -compete with ECL If you are the right player for us just let me know here or PSN: pelimies80
  6. @Ranksu was the real difference maker. 0 games in playoffs. Key player!
  7. Defenseman looking for a new team! Positions: RD, LD(favourites) RW, C, LW(available) Very active 2-way teamplayer with "defense first" mindset. Interested to join a team who share this same mindset and play almost every evening with very small roster changes. Contact me here or PSN: pelimies80
  8. pelimies80

    ECL 5 - Elite Finals

    Every people have own opinion who is favourites and who is not. Aapon Taikasauva don't go easy way in the Elite Finals. They lose 2 games straight first playoff round against Rusty Blades because Rusty Blades whole team defense was outstanding and Supreex play his "normal level". After 2 games Aapo adjust their game like good team need to do if things don't work in the field and it help they for the 2nd playoff round. Series against NOS it is very tight battle and it is very entertaining to watch. I think NOS go in the Finals because series is already 3-1 to NOS but tightest place you need to play your best game and that Aapo did. Now it is very nice to see how SJK and "Seppo Hovi" react when things don't go how should be after 2 games. Nothing is over yet but next game is the most important game in the series and both teams know that. Very interesting to see what happens.
  9. pelimies80

    ECL 5 - Elite Finals

    Finally this year NHL-version have real challenge to every team and nobody can't win for example Elite Division "easy" like early years. Earlier I remember the tough games start in the Finals and there is only 2-3 teams who play very active and this same teams of course battle the championship only. Now finally situation is different and differences between the best teams are very little or there is no real difference and good or bad luck can make the difference who win and who lose. Now this is competitive gaming and here is big challenge to everyone.
  10. LA show now right way at they control the things in this tournament. This is a good notice/sign in the future ECL tournaments too at LA can make difficult but right decisions.
  11. Good decision. There is rules what need to follow. If LA don't follow the rules why someone is writing the rules then?
  12. Hello! If we want at some players don't create ECL after ECL new teams then every new team need to start always Lite-Division no matter who is playing in the team. If we want at this creating new teams ECL after ECL continues why you don't allow them start straight to Elite-Division? I hope admins make smart decision this case. I vote absolutely NO because I don't want at some players do that what I say text above.
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