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Bjono last won the day on July 14 2019

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  1. Hello guys! Sjukstugan might be ready for some action and the upcoming ECL Pro qualification. For that we need som new players, atleast a new LD & Probably 2 Frw Lw/c/rw. Lets se if we can get some great players!
  2. Sjukstugan is looking for a LD and LW (or maybe RW). Contact me here on NHLGAMER
  3. Sjukstugan In: @Tzon93 & @Sluibaaja_88, welcome boys (since around 3-4 weeks ago😁) Out: @Tiltsson& @holyflyer, thx for everything guys🙌🏼
  4. Bjono

    ECL 12 Qualifiers Info

  5. Bjono

    ECL 12 Qualifiers Info

  6. Bjono

    ECL 12 Qualifiers Info

    @Mikka i really cant see that those other 4 teams (maybe we are) worse than the bottom PRO teams so i wouldn´t be to worried about the quality tbh. Also dont forget things like the differens of recruiting players as a lite team compared to PRO teams.. And if an open spot appeared i would easily vote for the top 4/128 teams in the lite season to get it. They are not worse and deserve a promotion imo. If the quality are that high in the bottom of pro they will make the qualification easy so no harm done. But it cant be to impossible to get a promotion and it also cant be that harsh to have to play a qualification in you are on that spot after a whole season.
  7. Bjono

    ECL 12 Qualifiers Info

    So that should be all then.
  8. Bjono

    ECL 12 Qualifiers Info

    What about the wildcards then? Have a club for a week and play the same qualification as 12th seed in PRO. is that unfair? promote the teams that do a good season instead of holding on to the ones who didnt made it. Its just the open spots. And then we still have the qualification.
  9. Bjono

    ECL 12 Qualifiers Info

    f there happens to be more open spots than anticipated (e.g. from teams disbanding which would have been invited to play in the qualifier, or owned a spot to the division in question), we will award the next highest ranked playoff team each spot, whilst the next highest ranked potential qualifier eligible team will replace them in the qualifier. This procedure will be carried out for each and every extra unforeseen spot. When was this written? Right or wrong.
  10. Bjono

    ECL 12 Qualifiers Info

    You have to qualify?🤔 why is that? so you think you deserved the spot?
  11. Bjono

    ECL 12 Qualifiers Info

    What is the different from previous seasons? so if you play that ”good” that you end up in the qualification situation, and obvious didnt have any success in the division, you are the better team and should stay in the division?? maybe we should close the division aswell?
  12. The registration for ECL will start soon so just wait for that. Välkomna!
  13. Sjukstugan In: poliskontroll Holyflyer Tiltsson (never left) out: W_Nyllander88 (thx for everything🙏🏼)
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