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Beniittto last won the day on October 17 2021

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  1. i don't recall any one timer goals without the one tee ability in years and cq gives a shooting boost to almost any shot close to the net which of course would reward you for getting in to a scoring position in the first place, im not saying you cant score without abilities but with abilities you get rewarded more often for getting into good scoring positions and helps negate the crazy saves goalies make when out of position
  2. you can also tie up the opponent with gold big tipper in front of the net and yet you still want big tipper banned
  3. There is no reason to ban any shooting abilites since the goalies are so buggy that there is the floating pads bug that has nothing to do with abilities and they let in shots through them even without abilities all the time (everyone who plays hut/versus knows how common this is) this isn’t an ability issue, it’s a game issue. Good scoring chances should be rewarded and the shooting abilities are necessary for that. Trucu ban is obvious, there is no need for a player to be taking 5-10 seconds getting up after a hit as it ruins the flow of the game when teams have to rag the puck waiting for their teammate to get up, you can still do big hits without trucu but recovery time with trucu is too much. Polls are the best way to decide this (obviously)
  4. Yeah, i can see that you aren't in the loop of the significant differences in game mechanics between different titles and the way top teams have approached and are approaching the game currently and thus i don't see a reason to continue this discussion with you.
  5. No one is forcing lower tier teams to use any traits or specific builds, it's their own fault if they use builds they don't know how to utilize. I don't really know where you want to go with this discussion since the original discussion was about banning players from using same build type on the same team. How does banning people from using the same build type somehow take away the ability from people to use non-meta builds if they want? The reason bigger builds aren't meta currently is because of the difference in speed, acceleration & agility. There was nearly no difference in those stats in NHL 16-18 between power forwards and playmakers which made the bigger builds better. I'm not sure if you are trolling but i'll answer anyway, if you think people haven't tried bigger builds since NHL 18 you are very much mistaken.
  6. Do you really think top players aren't aware of the differences in builds? The reason the top players use the builds that they use is because they are the best builds, atleast for the ways top teams like to play, if you think you can outplay top teams with power forwards or any other non meta build, i wish you good luck. Regarding the world finals the builds NA players used weren't much different than eu builds, apart from using gold one tee and 1 inch shorter builds to get "better animations", the bigger difference was in tactical approach to the game, where Tunnel vision had a much slower play style where as Entourage played much faster and it had nothing to do with the builds. So change od for twf, woah what a difference
  7. Using different builds wouldn't change top tier gameplay at all, most teams would just go with snp-ply-od as forwards and pmd-twd as defensemen, so do you really think that makes a difference since the builds are almost identical in terms of size and speed, 99% of viewers wouldn't notice any difference between the builds and if the only reason to have this rule is just for the sake of variety, it already fails at that.
  8. There has never been any gentlemen's agreements in ecl, people haven't been using tipper or truculence because people expected them to not be allowed in ecl, not because they are not good.
  9. hREDS Looking for a #1 Goalie for the upcoming tournaments Msg me here or on PSN: Beniittto
  10. hREDS looking for a RD for the sauna tournament, you wont play all the games but some playtime is guaranteed msg me on psn: Beniittto
  11. hREDS In: @l-Furyan-l (for FCL) @Koppipelaaja (for FCL) Out: @Janzuh 😢
  12. hREDS Looking for LD for FCL regular season
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