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tkantola last won the day on July 29 2024

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About tkantola

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    Teemu Kantola

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  1. Why we can't play with the features what included in the game? The point is to see which of teams are the best in every league. X-Factors are part of the game, why should they be removed? With abilities it opens up the opportunity for everyone to play to their strengths, some focus on shots / 1T, others on passes and still others on tackles. Now they're all being taken away, so you get the same old crap as you've always had. If there is some overpowered ability like Big Tipper, then keep that banned and let's continue like last ECL. The point is to develop the game, not take it backwards play competitively or less competitively, it's the same... Hopefully SG wake up for ECL and bring the X-Factors back. Changing rules of every tournament are the biggest joke of long time.
  2. GOONS (Elite Q) looking backup -> F/D (all-around is huge +) for the upcoming tournaments. If you are interest, send me message here or psn/dc: tkantola I will check all messages!
  3. GOONS (Elite Q) looking 50/50 or backup -> G for the upcoming tournaments. If you are interest, send me message here or psn/dc: tkantola I will check all messages!
  4. Free f for upcoming tournaments ->psn/dc/here dm : tkantola https://sportsgamer.gg/players/2227
  5. This isn't the crying chanell. Go guys to private chat continue this bullshit.
  6. GOONS (elite) looking for starting C or RW. Send me quickly msg if you think you are the right guy. dc/psn/here: tkantola
  7. GOONS in: f: @tkantola @temppanen @x-_-BoBi-_-x d: @MozjaTG @kriketski17 g: @xKeskitalo
  8. Goons IN: @tkantola (C) @Xkeineri (A) @xKeskitalo (A) @Tumpp1A @FinKonna @Tuhmakalastaja91 <- from Fiasko @Tappu <- from Project X @Mise <- from Valco @Koppipelaaja <- from Otukset ---------------------------------------------- OUT: @pikkuroger -> Filadelphia @kriketski17 -> Tunnel Vision @jxrska -> ? @Bobiraataja -> ? ----------------------------------------------
  9. GOONS (Elite) looking for a highly motivated starting LD/RD and backups (all around is huge+ but not necessary) for the upcoming ECL seasons. If you're interested, send me a message on psn: tkantola or here. we need quickly tryouts, I will listen all interest.
  10. GOONS (Elite) looking for a highly motivated starting C or LW for the upcoming ECL seasons. If you're interested, send me a message on psn: tkantola or here.
  11. GOONS (Elite) looking for a starting RD for the upcoming ECL seasons. If you're interested, send me a message on psn: tkantola or here.
  12. Free LW (RW) for upcoming tournaments. Elite/top Pro Contact me here or psn: tkantola https://nhlgamer.com/players/2227
  13. I won't comment on this form anything but shouldn't it be worth paying the prize money of the last ecl first before collecting new bigger pots? Guys have wait now couple months of prizemoneys...
  14. Free LW for upcoming tournaments. (can play all-around) Backup is also fine in some situations. Contact me here or psn: tkantola https://nhlgamer.com/players/2227
  15. Fiasko (Pro Qualifiers) Looking for a potential backup! With good opportunity you have a change play on stating line up. We need to find right player on quickly timeframe and hoping quick decisions from player of next season. Send me a msg on psn tkantola or here, all messages will check.
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