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Lionite last won the day on December 11 2019

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    Suomi Finland

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  1. Free G looking for team to ECL Winter Starting or 50/50 Lite/Core https://nhlgamer.com/players/72
  2. Nice to see EA haven't gone soft on us from the pandemic or from the lack of nextgen consoles. Instead of keeping the grossgen in the game, in a classy EA move they charge extra 30 euros from people in hopes of getting a new console during the next year or extra 20 euros from people who already have the new console but still have friends on the last console and wanna play with them... but hey at least we finally got The Frostbite, am i right?
  3. I love that someone pointed this discrepancy out. As if being top-16 in Lite is somehow better than already competing Pro... 🙃 I also love that they're asking this after already making the decision for the upcoming tournament.
  4. As it seems my previous team is not participating in ECL 12, i'm looking for new team Finnish Goalie, intrested in starter or 50/50 role in ECL. Pro/Lite/Core division preferably. PM here or Discord: Lionite#0522
  5. So now basically Neo is new Lite, and Lite and Core are where teams fall through gaps instead of being stepping stones towards Elite. TLDR
  6. Still free. Mainly intrested in starter or 50/50.
  7. Goalie looking for team from Pro/Lite for upcoming tournaments PM here or PSN
  8. No crossplay either? I always thought it was just a joke that someday EA will try to sell NHL game with just new lacrosse skill move, but apparently that day is actually here...
  9. Free G for next ECL Preferably a starter but open for 50/50 split too
  10. Straight spot in elite would have been a bit... radical. Too soon?
  11. Finnish veteran goalie looking team for IS Cup (and maybe for future tournaments). Mainly searching for starting or 50/50, but backup role might be fine as well. Preferably a finnish team, but i know little bit of english too if needed. Open for tryouts, of course. Team found.
  12. It's nice to get new jerseys (even tho some of them are still close to 10 years old designs) and new camera angles (for replays that nobody watches). But why don't they fix some real issues for a change, like stick lifting, poke checking, ridiculous charging penalties or those glitch goals through "five hole" where you don't even have to shoot?
  13. They made battle royale mode. Thank god for that. 5/5 would recommend. It's really amazing how out of touch EA seems to be when it comes to prioritizing what to use their "limited time" to work on between title releases...
  14. Frostbite? PC release? Crossplay against other platforms like Fortnite, Rocket League and CODMW is doing already?
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