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  1. Like mentioned before, who gets to decide what gets banned and what doesn't? I vote for not banning the physicality from virtual hockey. Ban everything or just the tipper to make it fair. Banning the big tipper was a logical move, because the ability is game-breaking and that ability alone can decide many games in a way they probably shouldn’t be decided. That ability changed the way teams played so much that it altered the entire game. However, there’s a big difference between the big tipper and other abilities. For example, truculence is not game-breaking enough and will not alter the entire game. Skating full speed your head down with 72 kg player and getting hammered on high speed – yeah you might lose some stamina, but it’s not anything ridiculous or game-breaking like big tipper was. Truculence don’t seem as strong as it was in the previous versions and therefore shouldn’t be thrown in just because. Hits and bumps are harder to come by in this version compared to the previous ones regardless of the truculence. Like someone said, variety is the spice of life. I personally enjoy playing physical game-style with bigger builds. It makes the product much more enjoyable for me to watch and play and it seems I’m not alone on this one. Another thing to keep in mind, in reality I feel like these banning decisions also affect outside of competitive games.
  2. Free LW/(RW) (Backup) for upcoming tournaments. Availability could be a bit irregular so mainly just looking for a fun group of people who could use someone to fill in every now and then.
  3. Free LW Ideally looking for a backup position since I have also other things to do besides gaming. Virtual hockey should be fun so I'm looking for a team with a chill and fun atmosphere! Contact me here or on PSN ROUHEEE ROUHEEE - Player profile - SportsGamer
  4. Free LW for upcoming tournaments, mainly looking for pro-level teams Contact here or PSN ROUHEEE https://nhlgamer.com/players/2104
  5. Free LW looking for a team Contact me here preferably 🙂
  6. Free LW for upcoming tournaments. Contact me here.
  7. Free LW or LD Mainly looking for a pro team and back up-thing might work as well Contact me here or psn
  8. Free lw looking for a competitive team. Hit me up here or psn.
  9. Still looking for more options. I can also play other forward positions if needed.
  10. LW looking for ~pro level team to play with. Contact here or PSN ROUHEEE, prefer finnish teams. https://nhlgamer.com/players/2104
  11. Free LW https://nhlgamer.com/players/2104 Contact me here
  12. Free LW (C) looking for a competitive ECL Pro team. Contact me here or PSN ROUHEEE https://nhlgamer.com/players/2104
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