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Everything posted by Awesome_Zone_

  1. Free C/RW (RD?) for FCL prefer finnish contact me here, ps or discord: Awesome_Zone_
  2. HC Vadelma 🦄 is looking for starting RD/LD. FCL (Perhaps ECL Lite too) contact me here or: psn and discord: Awesome_Zone_
  3. Hc Vadelma (Lite) Etsitään yhtä backup hyökkääjää jengiin💪🏻 rento meininki,mutta tavote kumminkin korkeella😎 lisätietoja täällä tai psn: Awesome_Zone_
  4. Hc Vadelma (Pro qualifiers) We are looking for backup player. D or W (or both) Contact me here or psn: Awesome_Zone_
  5. HC VADELMA (Lite) Need backup F psn: Awesome_Zone_
  6. HC Vadelma (Lite) Looking Starter LD and starter G backup F/D also, if you want that. We hope that you have some puck control skills/ game sense. Some experience too? prefer finnish contact me here or PSN: Awesome_Zone_ 😎😎
  7. HC Vadelma (Lite) etsii yhtä leftin hyökkääjää / pakkia left tai right. myös jos kiinnostaa veskarin tontti esim. kakkosveskan roolissa niin sekin on mahdollista. puhutaan yksityiskohdista lisää viestillä ja sovitaan samalla vaikka tryout😎 psn: Awesome_Zone_
  8. HC Vadelma (Core) looking goalie. starter or backup. Its up to you and your skills;) We want go to Lite. Perhaps you are the guy what we are looking for?:) Tryout? psn: Awesome_Zone_ english/finnish
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