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  1. Sportsgamers, We present you a new iteration of the Western European Championship League for your summer, pre-august competition with your fellow neighbors, this time with a little extra. The idea of the league will be to mantain the WECL 3 format, with similar (we hope better for everyone) dates and rules. This time, we will be opening up 5 spots for teams from foreign regions that have participated and NOT promoted from ECL Neo in ’23 – Spring. In order to keep the league played in the central server, these 5 teams can only come from the GCL or the CSCL, so basically German, Czech and Slovakian teams competing in ECL Neo. The idea is to serve these 5 spots as first come - first serve, but in order to ensure variety between GCL and CSCL, we may manually pick the teams that make the cut. The dates we're currently thinking of are a start around June 21st when the ECL Pro ends, with our finals happening right before august. Besides the 5 open spots to fill and spice up the league, our foreign player rules will be unchanged from a, we believe, successful set of maximum 2 foreign* players, out of which none have competed in ECL '23 Elite - Winter or Spring. The default server for WECL games will continue to be the central server, unless both teams agree to play in a different one. Your team can not be forced (by your opponent) to play in a different server than central. At the moment we want this league to remain free of license cost. And as such, we will offer no prize pool either. In the next weeks we will finalize the calendar. As mentioned, we want the league to finish no later than July. *Am I a foreign player to the WECL? Players from: Sweden, Finland, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Russia are foreign to the WECL. A maximum of 2 players from these countries, that have not participated in ECL '23 Elite - Winter or Spring, can be registered for each team. 🏆WECL 3 champions: Nottingham Panthers HC 🤴WECL 3 top point scorer: AdriF_23 (82) 🎯WECL 3 top goal scorer: AdriF_23 (40) ⭐WECL 3 top point scorer (Playoffs): MartindalexC (46) See all stats in league archive->
  2. The transfer deadline has now passed.
  3. Calendar is now up and competition can begin. There's a small error in the standings table with a solid line after 4th, meant to be after 8th qualified teams. 8 teams make the playoffs. Good luck all! 😊
  4. Format and dates now decided. Tournament is set to start in 2 days time. WECL 3 Rules.pdf
  5. Competition will start in 1 week time
  6. Hello, no, at most you're allowed 2 foreign players in the roster/ice, and none (foreign) that played ECL Elite in NHL 22. Local players can play no matter what. Cheers!
  7. Bonjour! ¡Hola! Let’s play? With us closing in on the playoffs in most of the ECL divisions and the spring sun heating up the weather outside, we feel the time has come to announce the continuation of the WECL with it's third season. A league that is still yet to be won by a Western European team - as the season 1 champions were Latvian and the season 2 champs were Danish. With the immense growth of our community perhaps now is the time for some Spanish, French or British representation to make a splash? Maybe even a surprise from Italy or the Netherlands? WECL 3 is set to start on June 6th with signups open until Sunday, June 5th 23:59 CEST, so make sure to get your team together and sign up! SIGN UP FOR WECL SEASON 3 HERE! The entire WECL Season 3 rulebook can be found in the league forum here! - Please scroll down for the most recent version. Season schedule The league will start on June 6th and the finals are expected to be played in late July. Eligibility As a regional league, the WECL has three officially recognized countries (ES, FR and UK). However, teams based in countries that are not represented in the current (ongoing or not) SportsGamer regional leagues (CSCL, GCL, RCL, FCL and SCL) are also able to take part. Teams from the following countries are eligible for the WECL and their players don’t count against the foreign player cap: Albania Andorra Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Denmark Estonia France Georgia Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Kazakhstan Kosovo Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Malta Moldova Monaco Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania San Marino Serbia Slovenia Spain Switzerland Turkey Ukraine UK Vatican City Teams from the following countries are already eligible for another regional league and cannot sign teams up, players will also count against the foreign player cap: Czech Republic Slovakia Germany Russia Finland Sweden Players from these countries are counted against a limit of 2 foreign players on the roster. English is considered the only official language of the WECL and all communications sent out regarding the Championship, or exchanged with the LA will be in this language. Users are free, however, to use English, French or Spanish in the league’s own sub-forum. Additionally, in order to better facilitate the opportunities for local player to naturally grow, the WECL also enforces a skill cap, meaning that foreign players with ECL Elite status will not be able to participate in the league. ECL Elite status is determined by having represented an Elite team in either ECL '22 Winter or ECL '22 Spring. Exceptions The WECL aims to be open to any teams that don’t feel represented in other regional leagues. Any requests for an exception to the rules has to be made using the support tool. As stated in the beginning, please familiarize yourself with our rulebook as the above fragments are only a tiny part of the entire ruleset. Hoping for an enjoyable tournament for everyone involved, I invite you to participate in the third season of the WECL! Many thanks and see you on the ice!
  8. Work on the page is still underway. Signup period will be extended 1 week until the 5th of June.
  9. Update: some WECL 3 links are broken at the minute. Hopefully it's fixed soon along with a news article
  10. The only limitation is at maximum 2 foreign players on the roster who didn't play ECL '22 Elite Winter or Spring. These 2 players can be on the ice at the same time. Foreign players that participated in ECL 22 Elite Winter or Spring can't be signed up. Cheers!
  11. Nope, no limitations in this regard
  12. Welcome back everyone to another WECL. We have a simple rulebook finished and feel ready to go. The spirit of the championship remains intact, while reinforcing the rules that made it cool originally. We're back to maximum 2 non-elite foreign players, games on the central server and we're also counting Swiss and Austrian players and teams as local this time. The tournament is set to start on May 30th, and the playoffs will take place in July. August won't be used for competition. The pace of the league will still be 2 games per week. SIGN UP FOR THE WECL 3
  13. This is the first version of the WECL 3 rules. Some areas are still TBD and will be updated whenever possible. Changes have been made to rules: The idea is to open signups during May and start right after the IIHF World Championships on the 29th. The finals will be mid or late july. WECL 3 Rules.pdf
  14. Players, It's time to start giving thought and shape to the upcoming WECL 3. Due to the available windows, the plan is to have a single season of the WECL for NHL 22 in the Summer, specifically in June when the ECL Spring Pro playoffs are planned to start. Regarding the league itself and how it's going to be, the plan is to go more Western this time, with changes to at least 2 core rules, server selection and foreign player rules. Firstly, the default server for games will be the central server, period. If both teams agree to play in the North server they can do it, if not, both games will have to be played on the central server. The reason for this approach is to make the league more appealing to the region it is targeted for. Second, the foreign player rules were over-stretched for the WECL 2 and this caused some controversial squads to participate. We feel like maximum 2 foreign players in the roster is the sweet spot, and that's what we will go back to. Also no foreign ECL '22 Winter or Spring Elite players will be able to participate. The game version will be PS4 one for commodity reasons. Expect the first Rulebook drafts, which as always you can chip in on, to start coming around April. With nothing more to add I hope you're thrilled to compete against your neighbours soon Claudi - WECL
  15. Personally I don't see that much of a benefit to be gained to re-work the schedules and competition format. Might be an odd example but some football leagues in south america do have a champion for the "apertura" and a champion for the "clausura", they basically play 2 seasons each year.
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