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ahonaattorii last won the day on June 10 2021

ahonaattorii had the most liked content!


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ahonaattorii's Achievements

  1. Free Dude looking for good team. I can rw, lw, rd or ld. PSN ahonator 🤣🤣🤣
  2. Experienced dude looking for RW/LW job at Lite or Core team. I have played D and F on past tournaments. Here is my stats. PSN: xRandyyhzz
  3. There will be a news story when next tournament is about to start. Then there will be more info and teams are asked to sign-up.
  4. The thing that i don't like in current system is that reward of win and loss is same than in losing two games, as long as you lose slow enough(60+ minutes). Current system is not unfair, but i just don't like that mentality. It rewards slowing the pace.
  5. Free Dude looking for a team. Division doesn't matter. I prefer to play F but can consider D job as well.
  6. These guys totally new at 6s scene? Nice to see new faces
  7. Looks like its time to let the Gorilla go to hibernation. Thank you all, was fun to Grind with you! Now its time to find some new challenges!
  8. Out santtu3333 -> F/A Thanks for the games and GL for the future!
  9. We have announcement to make!!!! Let me introduce you new Gorilla!!!! Teppoooooo!!!!! Winnipeeeeeeg!!!!! @Peksi22
  10. Out Ritchey_LV_ -> F/A HerzogMagnus -> F/A Thanks for everything and GL for the future!
  11. Yeah GJ!!! Of course this way NG community is more involved but i still must say would be more interesting if E players would be Liiga team members or Juniors of those teams or something Anyways GJ @Kenu!!
  12. Hilleri84 -> out
  13. Welll.... it didnt take much time to get use to this gameplay.
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