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  1. Guter Musikgeschmack. Spieler geht so. Menschlich top. 😘
  2. Still looking for prefered german speaking guys.
  3. KSE Teutons searching for at least one forward and one defenseman. Pref DACH region. :) Searchning only experienced players. Want later to participate in ECL and GCL. We are right now HeavenTheGreat1 Schmid0_55 otaconsbest Foley_1983 The core of the 3 first listed players playing together since 2009/2019 in German Moonshiners, Sinister Otters and Deadly Phantoms.
  4. I think EA Sports has to be more involved in this. I remember one PC Tournament (1vs1) in Germany on i think NHL07 or something. It was organized by EA and the first place got an Playstation 3. Why is EA not sponsoring anything on tournaments like this. Or EA doing some tournaments itself. I know in america there was that cooperation with that money playing site but nothing for europe and still no love for 6on6.
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