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Everything posted by Wpaanane

  1. Up Can consider Top Pro also if the right offer comes
  2. Time to try one more time to compete at the highest level so Free LW/C/RW for upcoming FCL and ECL Spring Elite teams only👀 dm here or discord wpaananen
  3. Sorry but now i have to criticize a little.. Not trying to be rude. What you wrote about our team (Panic On Ice) are completely wrong Teme and Flaazi are not even part of the team anymore, maybe little fact and roster check before writing this article especially if you dont know a thing about Core division.
  4. Panic On Ice (Core) Still looking for LD and 50/50 G we are going to play in core division if you dont take this game too serious and want to have fun while playing and still want to win, you are the right guy for the job. - Fluent Finnish only thx. DM here or Discord wpaananen
  5. Panic On Ice (core) Looking for G for warmup and ECL later. Urgent need.. dm here or discord wpaananen
  6. up, urgent need!!!!
  7. Panic On Ice looking for 50/50 G and Starting LD We are playing in core. you dont need to be the best, as soon as you can catch pucks or move the puck quickly to own players. you need to speak finnish fluently. contact me here or discord: wpaananen
  8. You already accepted these photos as proof of bad connection, 1st one can be old picture. Hard to say 🤷🏻‍♂️ Maybe spesify something that it needs to be video or photo where you can clearly see both team names etc. (To be clear to everyone im not mad for the situation, we were a** and we deserved to lose the series)
  9. Etsitään backuppia joka pystyy pelaa kaikkialla muualla paitsi maalissa. Jos kiinnostuit niin otappa yhteyttä meikäläiseen. mahdollisuus myös peliminuutteihin on iso!
  10. Oletko aina halunnut olla joukkueen paras pelaaja? nyt se on mahdollista. Panic On Ice etsii 2 hyökkääjää ja puolustajaa tulevaan ECL neo/core kauteen. Mikäli mielenkiintosi heräsi niin ota yhteyttä minuun täällä tai vaikka pleikkarilla
  11. PANIC ON ICE (FCL) We are looking for Finnish RW/LW What we expect from you: -Fluent Finnish -Activeness 2-4 days per week -Sh*t humor contact me here or discord: wpaananen
  12. One last time maybe now?🥶 Free LW/RW for next ECL i’m available every day contact here or psn
  13. Free LW/RW (Elite/Pro contender) Can play everyday. msg me here or discord: wpaananen
  14. Free LW/RW for future tournaments. Elite only. I can play everyday and i am very motivated to grind whatever it takes! contact discord: wpaananen or psn wpaananen thanks Heimo, JANO and Ahjo for everything 🫶🏻
  15. Top 5 elite (No Heimo) LW Vattu, Vilupoika, Puantso, xaaro89x, cTunkeilija C Patzlaf, Beniitto, Krike(if plays), Mozja, antti RW ND, Eki, Laiitinen, Indi, Ante LD Doumi, Tombo, Fränä, Nassu, Sebbe RD Ape, Wenger, Teemu, Nikhaa, Kuha, G uhnikke, Faze91, Cappe, Hansu, Kazzu
  16. Might be the right time to open eyes, goalies are good af atm with their abilitys and they make desperation saves everygame even tho that shot should be in net. And now Close quarters are banned which was our only help to score goals in front of the net, (Yeah i know we still have onetee etc) Goalies abilitys poll needs to be done also. Not fair to players, cause 95% of goalies voted to ban Close Quarters.
  17. Hi! Currently, it is really difficult to find sponsors in the Finnish e-sports scene. An example here is Kova esports, which went bankrupt just a moment ago. The NHL as an e-sports is also very small at the moment, so if we had to guess something, the companies will not necessarily dare to start supporting sportsgamer activities until we really get this activity to take off. the world finals is a good start, but if we players are not ready to support our company we want to play for, sportsgamer or NHL as e-sports will never grow. we have been playing practically for free for the last few years, but our company has not done things for us for free. it was the right time to raise the fees for us, okay ill agree that it was raised at one time maybe even a little too much, but I hope we all understand that our game will end if sportsgamer ceases operations, so I really hope that our player community will support this activity so that it does not end. ~Wade
  18. Might be too early for this Free RW/LW for next ECL (Elite, Top Pro) I can play everyday and Im motivated to grind harder than ever before. I can speak Finnish and English fluently. Contact here or psn wpaananen
  19. Free RW/LW (In some cases C might work) for FCL/SCL and future ECL I'm able to play everyday Contact me here or psn
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