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Wpaanane last won the day on January 26

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  1. If whole vneks or whatever its called wants everything banned they can continue playing their own swedish league like now
  2. Why ban something without correct poll? Only ban Big tipper and this game is best in years.
  3. Up Can consider Top Pro also if the right offer comes
  4. Time to try one more time to compete at the highest level so Free LW/C/RW for upcoming FCL and ECL Spring Elite teams only👀 dm here or discord wpaananen
  5. Sorry but now i have to criticize a little.. Not trying to be rude. What you wrote about our team (Panic On Ice) are completely wrong Teme and Flaazi are not even part of the team anymore, maybe little fact and roster check before writing this article especially if you dont know a thing about Core division.
  6. Panic On Ice (Core) Still looking for LD and 50/50 G we are going to play in core division if you dont take this game too serious and want to have fun while playing and still want to win, you are the right guy for the job. - Fluent Finnish only thx. DM here or Discord wpaananen
  7. Panic On Ice (core) Looking for G for warmup and ECL later. Urgent need.. dm here or discord wpaananen
  8. up, urgent need!!!!
  9. Panic On Ice looking for 50/50 G and Starting LD We are playing in core. you dont need to be the best, as soon as you can catch pucks or move the puck quickly to own players. you need to speak finnish fluently. contact me here or discord: wpaananen
  10. You already accepted these photos as proof of bad connection, 1st one can be old picture. Hard to say 🤷🏻‍♂️ Maybe spesify something that it needs to be video or photo where you can clearly see both team names etc. (To be clear to everyone im not mad for the situation, we were a** and we deserved to lose the series)
  11. Etsitään backuppia joka pystyy pelaa kaikkialla muualla paitsi maalissa. Jos kiinnostuit niin otappa yhteyttä meikäläiseen. mahdollisuus myös peliminuutteihin on iso!
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