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Filariou last won the day on May 23 2020

Filariou had the most liked content!

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  1. After a long period of inactivity, I'm looking for an elite/top pro team. I have mostly played as a LW but I'm also able to play as a C or as a RW. https://nhlgamer.com/players/195 You can contact me here or on PSN.
  2. I have mostly played as a LW during these years but I'm also interested to play as a center. Please contact me here or on PSN. Previous teams: Dynasty, Sjukstugan, Written in the Stars
  3. Free LW/C I have played only something like 50 games in this year’s version due to motivation and time issues. It looks like I have time to play more regularly after Christmas so let’s see if there’s anything that interests me. You can contact me here or on PSN. Previous teams: Dynasty, Sjukstugan, Written in the Stars
  4. #ylikävely
  5. Falun Coal Miners -> Elite
  6. Next hidden gem Snapu48?
  7. No lite teams?
  8. If your point is that Lite champions should play in Elite playoffs you should compare them to teams who placed 7th and 8th in regular season of Elite, not to teams who were worst in Elite. For example last season 7th was Laset HT (champions) and 8th was Limitless (semifinalist).
  9. When will you understand that you don't need anything but three players from Manchester United to win. #gloryglory
  10. Riihijärvi - Risto Järvi - Buljujärvi ullaaaaa - Sandr0hh (rock solid) Ahola (NHL 11) Captain: Snapu Coach: Pelimies Security Guard: Bunisher Mascot: HAR5K1_ Gravedigger
  11. @The_Alpha_Furyan Who is that green guy in goalie school video who obviously can't play defence?
  12. It's called a culture of winning.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqXqcdlCtzs
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