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jumalpeku last won the day on July 5 2019

jumalpeku had the most liked content!


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  1. Very sad day. I have no words. My deepest condolences to Daniel's family and friends. Stay strong Mattias, Viktor, Rulle and other NOS boys. Rest in peace Floor, you are in a better place now. 💚
  2. Snapu ja Upi
  3. Dynasty - elite Looking for a goalie (elite level) Contact @Sandr0hh or @jumalpeku
  4. Dynasty is looking for starting Elite level forward (C or W doesn't matter) and defender. Elite top #4 place guaranteed Contact here @jumalpeku or @Sandr0hh
  5. Dynasty - Elite Out: Luukkonen & Ulla We are looking for a new hungry players
  6. Sandr0hh https://twitter.com/Dynasty_EASHL/status/1095957692793999360
  7. Ping before: 35-45 Yesterday: ECL warmup vs FILA -> 18 ECL g1 vs Rusty Blades -> 38 ECL g2 vs Rusty Blades -> 18 wtf Kouvola Finland Peku -> SKILLHOCKEY confirmeds?
  8. If this happens I need to change my real name to EVGENI BULJUJÄRVI..
  9. Dynasty IN Retord "Haldeem" Haldemann Ps. Still looking for centteri
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