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Heksaa last won the day on August 27 2017

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  1. Found myself a new home so not looking anymore✌🏽
  2. Kanaali Koskinen looking for a new team to join. Got experience in every position, but mostly as (RD/LD)/G, also able to play as C/RW if needed. I prefer to play at Pro, but also intrested about Elite backup positions. Why not also Lite if team is fighting their way to Pro, you never know. Msg me here if intrested and we’ll set up time for tryouts. Edit: going to be between the pipes instead of the blueline.
  3. Baltic Sea Eagles (ECL Pro) looking for RD/LD. Things have changed in the Eagles nest since last ECL ended and we are looking for a new starting D for our roster. Both, RD or LD will go as I'm myself capable to play both-handed in either side. If you think that you have, what it takes to save the defence from my mistakes, msg me @psn.
  4. Baltic Sea Eagles looking for defender for next ECL. If you think, that you would have, what it takes to play in top Pro team as D, msg me for tryouts. We will be playing between the ECL 5 and 6, and will participate at ECL 6, Pro division.
  5. Those were great times indeed! HC Marilyn were founded By V1lbertto if I remember correct. Sounds too good to be true, that Krangis would make it back to ice! Say greetings for him and tell him to get out of silta. V*ttu mä oon sillas
  6. BalticSea Eagles (Pro) Looking for goalie and/or defender, msg me for tryouts.
  7. JusaSoLow Who? JusaSoLow from Turku, Finland. Played hockey since NHL94, and haven’t skip a single version since that. Started to play EASHL in NHL13, before that used to play mostly Be a Pro. Position? Used to see as RW, but like he says it in his own words: the need to become a better player made me to try other offensive positions as well. Career highlight so far? Last EHL tournament on xbox360, time before NHLGamer. Helped the Eagles to the finals with most assists in playoffs. What are you waiting for the upcoming ECL? Success to make it to Elite. Personal goals? To be a great part of the team. Being creative and able to help the team in offense. Motto: Do whatever it takes to help the team. Something you didn’t know about me? I won the finnish championship in virtual billiard.
  8. Time to introduce the Eagles for you! Heksaa Who? Heksaa, better known as Kanaali Koskinen. Started to play virtual hockey in NHL01 and EASHL in NHL09. The founder of the Baltic Sea Eagles. Position? Mostly played RD, but you might have seen me also as G. Career highlight so far? Back in the days I used to be an offensive D and made it to 2nd place in defenders scoreboard and scored most goals at EHL regular season (2013). What are you waiting for the upcoming ECL? We were able to gather very skilled team for next ECL and our only goal is to win the Pro division. Personal goals for the upcoming ECL? Being able to help the team and get my own playing back to the same level it were before last year's break. Motto You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. (cheers) Something you didn't know about me? I've used the same player name since NHL10 and it was given to me by my former teammate.
  9. Jaiken. Go on and read some other topic, would you?😂
  10. Those were great times! I have no idea what Krangis is up to these days. Easiest assists I ever had. "All you need to do - pass the puck to RW."
  11. Are you saying that we would have lost the final for swedish team? That never happens for finnish hockey teams! Must be some kind of mistake here.
  12. LW: Pleemaker, Joukki13, V1lbertto C: Dominointi, tbnantti, Adetikki RW: Hooneli, Foppatofflan, Krangis D: vSilenttio, Selarit, Gustafsson7 G: Supreex, Zande95, Hansulinho Have to say that it wasn't easy to name only three for each position and I'm sure that by making this some other day there might have been different names.
  13. Must be coming old or something 😐 What was it? First round in the playoffs? 😉
  14. While we are waiting for the 18 to come, would be nice to hear all the memories you have for playing against or with Eagles. Feel free to share those with us! For myself the toughest one while playing with the Eagles must be from Consolehockey times as Sjukstugan beated us on the semifinals. Still looking for a payback!
  15. Baltic Sea Eagles - team that was founded 2011 will be stronger than ever! The Eagles will start next ECL from Pro Division with only one thing in their minds. To win the division and make their way to Elite for ECL6. Roster has changed, a lot actually. We have few new faces flying with us and I also made a comeback after one year break. Roster for ECL5: C Heksaa A Thounimeister A BiggestEight Banaani_Kalja JusaSoLow Lehikoinen_ lYoushallnotpass Madhoo Mehiiss Pro-m99 E: updated roster Credits for the logo goes to Koski
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