I'm 26-year-old Finnish guy who came back to NHL after a four year break (didn't buy a new console until last year). I played a lot of drop-ins and a decent amount of 6v6 EASHL games in NHL 18 so I've slowly gained back my former form.
In NHL 18 I first played in a Pro team Nemesis which was quite a struggle for everyone of us. Nevertheless, I'm really grateful for the experience even though I was so rusty from the break. The next season I was late to the party so I decided to go to play in the first team that picked me, this time in Lite. To be honest I was fooling around too much. Sorry for that. Lots of tension and less fun in the team.
So, I'm looking for a tryout in preferably a Pro or maybe a new-born Lite team with a competitive roster. A mature bunch of guys would be a big plus.
I'm a defensive minded player who played left-handed for long but learned to play with the right stick too. I can play every skater position at an okay level but I think playing as a grinding winger is the most fun for me.
- L/R handed
- Finnish / English
Thank you and good luck in the next game!