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Maggre last won the day on April 30 2019

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  1. Bye sportsgamer, new life will certainly find an opportunity to grow from the ashes.
  2. Free agent looking for a backup role, can play all positions but I'll only play as a goalie in emergencies. I prefer swedish teams.
  3. I'm not man enough to be the captain of Bockens anymore which is why I enlist myself as a free agent. My love for competitive EASHL is still strong so I'm on the hunt for a new team that is active and will play in future NHLGamer tournaments and leagues. I will only consider teams with Swedish or English voice communication. Most of my ECL experience are on the defence or in the net but I like to play as a winger as well, I play both left and right side. My faceoff skill is usually too weak for the center position. Your team is either in Lite and needs a starter winger/defender or in a higher division and is searching for a backup player on any position or a starter goalie. Player profile: Maggre Previous teams: The Beagle Boys (ECL Pro), Falcons (ECL Lite), We Kings (ECL Lite) and Bockens (SCL, Spring League & ECL Lite)
  4. I love that Linköping brings a team to eSHL! This is not the proper way to do it though, please have some honor and build your eSHL teams from Swedish talent. If you feel the need, spice it up with a Finnish star. 🏒 I will definitely cheer for the teams that are trying to develop the Swedish EASHL scene this season, Linköping will not see my support as a fan 😈
  5. Go @DUNZA ! 🏒
  6. Bockens needs a backup (any position) for IScup.
  7. Bockens IN: Andre_24x #24 IN: AkonIaIa #1 IN: VenomRZV #40 HIATUS: LerantKoxzan #3 OUT: Eliekamel87 OUT: JohnnyRockers OUT: Reash74 OUT: Swe-Enforcer OUT: Sayatu14 OUT: rize1988
  8. I don't see the problem, why is it required to reach the top division in one NHL game if you start out in the lowest division? If you play the game for fun, then you play with your friends no matter which division you're in. If you play the game to reach the top, either fight for a spot in a team already at the top or get into a lower division team and prove that you are worth it. If you want to see YOUR team reach the top, start from the lowest division and build the best team you can of players that will accept to play in lower divisions. This is a challenge as it should be, nothing worth having comes easy. Edit: Since I'm ECL Staff, I'd like to point out that this is my personal opinion.
  9. Bockens is currently searching for a starting goalie, a backup winger and a backup defenseman for ECL 9!
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