Want to play but not to pay.
Looking for a team for ECL NEO, mainly as a defender (LD/RD), but can be a backup goalie too.
Contacts here or PSN VilppiSami.
Free agent for upcoming ECL and tournaments.
Looking for starter goalie or defender position in Core/Lite team. Open for a backup role in Lite too.
Messages to my psn VilppiSami.
1v1 and 6v6 licenses for person are the same, so not like 20e for playing in 1v1 and another 20e for playing in 6v6, but just 20e and can participate in both. On top of my math is then just the players who play only 1v1.
Because of the new participation fees and prize pool system, I'm interested for a open starter spot in Neo or Core teams.
Played as a D-man and Goalie in couple of ECL Core seasons and FCL tournaments. Contact here or PSN VilppiSami.