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  1. Spartans eSport is looking to add some more experience to the squad, we are currently playing in Core. What we are looking for: • An experienced Center. • A decently skilled Defenseman. In both cases it's good (but not an requirement) that you are able to play some other position as well if needed. What we will require though is previous experience of competitive play as ECL etc. also that you are active (3-5 evenings a week) and are communicative both in party and club chat. We are a mainly Swedish club but knowing Swedish language is not an requirement, English or Rally-English works fine. As a player we will take for granted that you are a teamplayer and also understand the value of us having a good atmosphere in the party. We are a really active club playing 4-5 evenings a week, usually 19-22 CET.
  2. Free Rw/Lw for ESHL (Maybe for ecl as well) Skellefteå AIK, don't even bother.
  3. Spartans looking for a Goalie who is ok with a backup role [ ecl 8 ] preferably swedish speaking but not the most necessary thing... We play almost every evening (~19:00 - 22:00 >>) Pm me here or on psn for tryouts Psn: NikWildStar
  4. Burns Beardy Bastards LITE Out: RullAthor1991 , platy666 , kungkalle666 , ruffsig , Oxidion , Kezaster , andreasangstrom , THEVigi99, TommyWargas In: Portik14, DynamitHarry96, Beck4free, gone601, JLindstrom97, I87I_Crosby
  5. Bastards looking for new Beards! Mic:ed up active swedish players for mainly 6vs6 games and upcoming ECL (jan) and further on... You who are joining preferably are; • A Goalie or a D-man or • A Multiposition player and Its necessary that you are; • Swedish speaking • A Teamplayer (or no play at all!) • Playing almost every day (mostly evenings after 17:00...) • Using Headset and Whatsapp Contact me on psn: NikWildStar Or here @NikWildStar
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