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Lurkins last won the day on July 27 2016

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  1. Free LD looking for a team. EDIT. Not anymore.
  2. SIKA is looking for an all arounder (able to play C). Two spots open. Contact me here or PSN (TEAMSEILA).
  3. Rest in peace Daniel. My deepest condolences to Daniel's family, friends and teammates.
  4. EN HUND is looking for a goalie for ECL Pro Season 6
  5. EN HUND is looking for a starting goalie for the upcoming ECL 6 season. Please contact me here via PM or in PSN (TEAMSEILA).
  6. Yeah sure, but we just wanna make sure that our next site update will be close to perfection. So that's the reason why we're not rushing.
  7. There have been a lots of progress behind the scenes. Patience.
  8. You are now able to edit your registration info! Just go to the sign-up page and there should be your registration info ready for editing.
  9. This is now fixed for all leagues.
  10. Hello again! We are still looking for a goalie for our ECL lineup, so if you are interested to play for EN HUND please contact me here or PSN (TEAMSEILA).
  11. It's now there!
  12. Hello there! Dobzu and I decided to create a new club to the NHL17. We have played several years in SIKA, and now it's time to start with a new team. Some key things in our team is to have a good team spirit. Playing NHL should be fun, and that's how we want it to be in EN HUND. But we are not playing NHL just to have fun, we also want to win. We are looking for RW and G. And one all-around player who can play almost any position. If you are interested to join our club, please contact me in here, or in PSN (TEAMSEILA). Our current roster: Forwards: Dobzu, LW Sambula, C Defencemans: TEAMSEILA, LD TurboWNKER3000, RD Goalies: -
  13. PSN: TEAMSEILA About me: I can play almost every evening on the week. Weekends are ok also. I bring skill and pain to your team. I play mostly LD, i'm a defensive defenceman. I also like to play as a winger, LW or RW and i'm a playmaker who can score goals also. And take penalties. I'm pretty solid goalie also. Position in this order: RW, LW RD, LD, G Team: SIKA
  14. Haha, I have that exact phone holder also very disturbing.
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