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keranee last won the day on February 18

keranee had the most liked content!

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Enthusiast (6/14)

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  1. Still free forward for upcoming tournaments, prefer left handedness. Hungry, very active and capable of adapting to pretty much any playstyle & improving my own game. Trying me out won't cost anything 😜
  2. free for gcl & forward for upcoming tournaments
  3. Free forward for upcoming tournaments looking for a longer commitment in an active team with hunger to compete and win together, but backup is also possible. Maybe give tryout 👀🙂
  5. Free LW (RW) for upcoming tournaments, back up role is fine as well! 🤘
  6. As motivated as ever to grind and step up my game, try me out!
  7. I have decided to part ways with Roots (❤️), and therefore I am looking for a new team if anyone is willing to give me a chance. Elite/Pro preferably, will consider all offers! RW/LW/C/D, never played D competitively but not opposed to trying it out (heads up probably myyn).
  8. no order no juuret, active players LW: Plee, Puantso, Kriketsi, JM, Joukki C : Patzlaf, Dominointi, Beniitto, Jergeli, Kuru RW: FlyerKungen, Nikke, Indi, MartinDale, Eki LD: Doumi, Nassu, Torro, MakeAxl, Janzuh RD: iilmari, wille, viljo, samza, loimmu G: cappe, sibbe, jombbe, supreex, hansu
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