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Everything posted by LaurinHaavi

  1. POGGERS Elite/Pro Looking for 50/50 G for next season and so on. Contact here or Discord terodee.
  2. Can you use fill-in players without commitment to ECL? If, for example your goalie was "working" in Spain for the whole regular season? 🥲
  3. I mean what is this disadvantage thing? Central teams play 50% of the games on home server and their opponents play 50% on their home server? Sounds as equal as it can be And I think the writer said Tadpole has server advantage since they are higher seeded and play home first. 🥴
  4. Up! Atm we dont have a goalie at all, so atleast one or maybe two goalies will get in. You have a chance to be a starter in Elite. We expect you to have atleast some good old Pro-experience. You can contact Terodee on PSN or Discord terodee#4380 and lets see what happens! 🐸
  5. SJ We are well setup and ready to improve in future tournaments after finishing 9th in ECL 11 Elite. Still we are looking for second goalie in our team, since we never had one. Basically you would have 50-50 playing time, but that only depends on how you play! Contact me on PSN: Terodee
  6. Since making the starting rd from one of our old players, we are now looking for a backup-defender AND backup-forward for Elite. For the forward playing time might be available later on the season.
  7. SJ Gaming Looking for starting rd. Contact Terodee on PSN.
  8. SJ Gaming Looking for rd since losing one soldier to military service. 🤭 Also one backup defender might suit in, if we find the right person. Please contact Terodee on PSN if you are interested.
  9. POGGERS In: @xKeskitalo from Symphony @FIN_Potilas from Rakish @Kusimaakari from TIKI TALK @Aatu (Nuarikukko_) from Virtual Horizons eSports Out: @EABUNKA 💔 @Holy71 @Baukku @Janski
  10. POGGERS looking for a forward and a d-man for the future. Playing time depends on you. Elite-experience is appreciated, not absolutely necessary. Contact me here or PSN: Terodee.
  11. Free LD for eSHL. Can play when needed. PSN: Terodee
  12. Free lw/ld for tournaments before next ECL. (Can do a try-out.) PSN: KURKISTELLJA.
  13. Rage X (former Wasps Gaming) is looking for players for ECL 8! In ECL 7 Pro we will finish 5th or 6th depending on remaining quarterfinals and our only aim is to top that result next season. What we need: - One forward to any attacking place - Right defenseman - Starting Goaltender What we appreciate: - The most important thing is chill mindset. After all we are playing console hockey, and we want to have fun doing that. - Individual skill - Our current age-gap is between 23-30 years or something like that, so age somewhere there would be nice. But the most important thing is that you are not too serious. What we don't want: Arsenal F.C. supporters. If interested, you can contact me or @Yoloberg here, or on PSN Yoloberg.
  14. POLAR BEERS (former name Quality) has proudly partnered with Wasps Gaming and from now on we are called Wasps Gaming EASHL. We will play in the Pro-division in ECL 7. Roster: Goalies Hassu85 Defenders puke85 @puke85 kojowaa @kojowaa Forwards JaKurrii @JaKurrii KURKISTELlJA @Wickedtah69 MRNaiMiZ Yoloberg @Yoloberg XxProArskaxX @TheArska Our social medias: Twitter: @EashlWasps Twitch: @waspseashl
  15. Pretty good left winger or bullshit left defender looking for a pro/elite club to stay with next season. Previous clubs Quality, OG Royals and Evolution. Pm me here or PSN KURKISTELlJA (2 L:s).
  16. Experienced left winger looking for pro (why not elite too) team for the rest of the season. I can play a back-up role too. Previous teams Evolution and OG Royals. You can contact me here via P.M.
  17. All-star lineup Zerginjection-Ippe88-Ahvenkid Haqqura-xxPontikkaxx xxproarskaxx
  18. PSN: wickedtah69 Position: LW 21 years old, magical hands like John Scott´s.
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