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seegasormi last won the day on January 29 2024

seegasormi had the most liked content!

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  1. We'll try our best 🤘🏼
  2. @bMaJuH 🐐
  3. Gz for the championship on Gifu's behalf and thanks for the kind words about our guys 😇
  4. Free RW/C/RD for future tournaments. Backup is ok too
  5. GIFU Hockey Out: @Skumboo to Hunters In: @Skumboo from Hunters Jännittäviä käänteitä
  6. GIFU Hockey Looking for a starting G! Contact me here, if you're interested.
  7. Rapitzin =🐐
  8. Don't want to be rude or anything, but could you please use another clip than a 3y old video of you playing in a random team w a random squad? Or you havent played a good game since? Kinda tired of seeing you "representing" our team even tho you most definitely are not part of the team. Thanks in advance. 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
  9. GIFU Hockey IN: xRiegel68 from Nameless OUT: HopeaKypara99 to FA SirLateksi to FA GGs möhömahat, and thanks for the ride! All the best for you in the future ❤️ Welcome to the team sveitsiläinen! 🪄
  10. GIFU Hockey IN Ghettomasi from Luleå Hockey Academy krosspi from retirement Skumboo from Nonamers Supeeerkirooo from HC KOROBKA OUT Baranizer to NOVA Jiibada_ to Exerceo Welhouu61 to Dark Wild Thanks for your time in GIFU, brothers. 👊 Special thanks to my man @Baranizer, all the best for you Baraki. Yks kii ja kike pelii, v*tun keila! ❤️
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